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Proceedings Papers
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Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
The Principal Stage in the Formation of Petroleum
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Migration, Accumulation and Retention of Petroleum in the Earth
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Main Concepts of the Theory of Oil and Gas Origin and their Accumulation in the Light of the Most Recent Investigations
S. P. Maximov; S. N. Simakov; N. B. Vassoevich; A. A. Trofimuk; M. F. Mirchink; V. A. Sokolov; A. A. Ali-Zade; A. A. Bakirov; V. V. Veber; M. F. Dvali
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Nouvelles Données sur les Mécanismes de Genèse et de Migration du Pétrole Simulation Mathématique et Application à la Prospection
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Influence of Petroleum Origin and Transformation on its Distribution and Redistribution in Sedimentary Rocks
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Hydrodynamic Control of Oil and Gas Accumulation as Indicated by Geothermal, Geochemical and Hydrological Distribution Patterns
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Panel Discussion: Recent Advances in Understanding the Origin, Migration and Accumulation of Oil and Gas and the Resulting Methods of Evaluating Existing Petroleum Prospects
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Geotechnical Aspects of Offshore Hydrocarbon Exploration and Production
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Geology and Petroleum Exploration in the Mediterranean Sea
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Marine Geology and Petroleum Resources
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Preliminary Studies on Geomorphology, Geology and Geophysics on the Continental Shelf and Slope of Northern South America
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Oil and Gas Prospects of the Shelf of the U.S.S.R.
N. A. Eremenko; A. G. Aleksin; V. S. Melik-Pashaev; A. M. Ahmedov; V. F. Soloviev; A. A. Geodokian; A. H. Alikhanov; M. K. Kalinko; Y. P. Malovitsky; I. S. Gramberg; R. M. Demenitskaya
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Iran Pan American Geological and Geophysical Methods in the Persian Gulf Area
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Panel Discussion: Geological and Technical Aspects Specific to the Exploration for Oil and Gas on Continental Shelves
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Characterisation of the New Situation Constituted by Great Water Depths and the Severe Conditions of Marine Environment. Evaluation of the Corresponding Constraints
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Particular Specifications that can be Envisaged for Drilling Equipment Usable at Great Water Depths and Under Hostile Environmental Conditions
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Avenir Prévisible des Techniques de Plongée Humaine Dans l’Industrie du Pétrole (Part 1)
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
The Role of Manned Underwater Vehicles and Remote-Controlled Robots in Deep Water Oil Exploitation (Part 2)
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Comparison of Alternative Types of Subsea Production Systems Proposed for Deep Water Petroleum Operations
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Solutions Envisageables pour Les Moyens de Collecte et de Stockage de la Production par Grandes Profondeurs d’Eau et Dans un Mileau Marin Tres Hostile
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Technical and Economic Factors Affecting Future Production of Oil and Gas in Deep Waters and Hostile Environments
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
PANEL Discussion: Problems Involved in Moving the Present Limits to Drilling for and Production of Oil and Gas into Deeper Waters and Hostile Marine Environments
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Prospects for Large Increases in World Hydrocarbon Reserves from Stratigraphic Traps
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Lithologic and Stratigraphic Traps for Petroleum and Methods of Exploring for Them
A. G. Aleksin; S. G. Sarkisyan; R. O. Khachatryan; G. T. Udin; I. Kh Abrikosov; I. P. Zhabrev; G. P. Ovanesov; V. A. Grossheim; K. S. Maslov; V. S. Melik-Pashaev; M. K. Polshkov; V. I. Korneyev
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Application des Methodes Sédimentologiques et Géomorphologiques a l’Etude d’un. Piege Stratigraphiqe
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Exploring for Stratigraphic Traps in the Oficina Area, Venezuela
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Hydrocarbon Accumulation in the Nahorkatiya Oilfield, Assam
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Mitsue Oil Field: A Rich Stratigraphic Trap (Part 1)
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Stratigraphic Traps in the Roma Area, Queensland, Australia (Part 2)
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Panel Discussion: Stratigraphic Traps
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
New Oil and Gas Regions of the U.S.S.R. and Their Prospects
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Les Zones Nouvelles en Dehors du l’U.R.S.S.
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Scientific Principles of Calculation of Potential Oil and Gas Resources in Connection with Their Evaluation in Estimating Different Prospective Oil and Gas Provinces
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Computer-Based Geological Data Systems: An Emerging Basis for International Communication
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Results of the JOIDES Deep Sea Drilling Project: 1968–1971
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Criteria for Prediction of Giant Oil Pools
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Seismic Investigation of Deep, Complex Structures
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Co-ordinated Gravity, Seismic and Magnetic Surveys on the Continental Shelf of Australia
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Results with Seismic Developments in Oceanographic Research
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Pulse Neutron Well Logging Techniques
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Panel Discussion: Geophysical Methods in Exploration
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Interpretation of Seismic Exploration Data Using Digital Computers
M. K. Polshkov; V. S. Kiselev; E. A. Kozlov; A. I. Bogdanov; V. I. Meshbey; S. P. Vartanov; M. B. Rapoport
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Statistical Methods Applied to Seismic Data in. the Search for Small Faults and Lithologic Variations
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
High-Speed Computing Algorithms for Seismic Prospecting
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Restitution Automatique en Profondeur
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
On the Utilisation of Seismic Data
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
From Where? To What?
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Panel Discussion: The Interpretation of Seismic Data by Mathematical Techniques
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Problems of Well Drilling to 15000 Meters Depth
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
The Mechanical Problems and Possible Solutions of Drilling to Great Depths
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Development of Deep Well Turbodrilling Techniques
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Drilling Fluids for Deep Wells in the United States
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Wireline Logging Operations to 50000 Feet
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Completion Techniques in Very Deep Wells
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
PANEL Discussion: Problems, Techniques and Possible Solutions in Drilling and Producing Very Deep Wells
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Some Recent Advances in Methods of Oil and Gas Reserves Estimates
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Modèle Multiphasique Multicompositionnel à Trois Dimensions des écoulements en Milieu Poreux
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Sur le Déplacement d’un Fluide Par un Autre
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
New Computational Methods and Technical Means for Simulation of Oil Reservoirs
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Interaction of Wellbore Conditions with Flow in the Reservoir in the Mathematical Simulation of Petroleum Reservoirs
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Sur la Correction de la Structure et des Propriétés des Formations et de la Distribution des Liquides par Suite des Informations Accumulées
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
A Mathematical Model of Cyclic Steam Injection
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
PANEL Discussion: Reservoir Simulation by Mathematical Methods
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Oil Recovery by Hot-Water and Steam Injection
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
In Situ Combustion
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Some Practical Aspects of Waterflooding
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Gas Injection and Miscible Flooding
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
The Use of Non-Newtonian Fluids in Oil Recovery
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Experience of Oil Field Development in the U.S.S.R. Using Waterflooding Process and the Methods of its Improvement
Yu P. Borisov; Yu P. Zheltov; M. D. Rosenberg; A. P. Krilov; G. A. Babalyan; M. M. Satarov; M. M. Ivanova; S. A. Orudzhev
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Panel Discussion: Recovery of Hydrocarbons Beyond the Primary Stage
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
New Drilling Techniques
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Well Logging Techniques
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Expérimentation et Développement du Flexoforage
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
The Nuclear Stimulation of a Natural Gas Reservoir–Project Rulison
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Underground Nuclear Explosions to Stimulate Oil and Gas Field Development
S. A. Orudjev; P. Y. Antropov; G. P. Ovanessov; A. A. Bakirov; S. Kuvykin; E. A. Bakirov; Sh K. Gimatudinov; M. A. Husein-Sade; P. A. Petrov; I. D. Umrikhin
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Analysis and Design of Production Wells Through Thick Permafrost
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Satellite Navigation and Position Determination for Offshore Petroleum Exploration and Drilling
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Jetted Particle Drilling
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
On the Special Features of Oil and Gas Field Development Due to Effects of Initial Pressure Gradients
A. Kh Mirzadjanzade; Z. M. Akhmedov; R. S. Gurbanov; A. D. Amirov; G. I. Barenblatt; V. M. Entov; Yu V. Zaitsev
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Processing and Utilization of Oil Shale of the Baltic Basin of the U.S.S.R.
G. V. Ozerov; A. Y. Aarna; H. T. Raudsepp; M. Y. Gabergritz; S. I. Faingold; A. S. Fomina; A. M. Kotov; G. M. Mamedaliev; N. S. Nametkin; N. D. Serebrjannikov; V. M. Yefimov; N. I. Zelenin
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Brazilian Oil Shale Development
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Technology for Utilization of Green River Oil Shale
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
A Second Generation Tar Sands Plant
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
A Synthetic Fuels Process
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Production of Gasoline from Australian Brown Coal by the H-Coal Process
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Panel Discussion: Developments in the Recovery and Processing of Oil Shales, Tar Sands. Heavy Crude Oils, and Coal
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
The Importance of Hydrogen in Refinery Operations Today and in the Future
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Low Temperature Processes for Hydrogen Recovery
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Hydrogen by Steam Reforming
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Hydrogen Production by Partial Oxidation
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Processes of Technical Hydrogen Production with Heat Carrier Circulation
A. R. Brun-Tsekhovoi; Y. A. Katsobaschvili; B. K. Iljenko; K. E. Machorin; B. K. Americ; E. I. Drozdova; G. I. Uspensky; V. T. Sumanov; V. V. Kelcev
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Panel Discussion: Hydrogen Production, Including Oil Gasification
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Advances in Hydrocracking of Distillates
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Hydrocracking of Residual Petroleum Stocks
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Commercial Desulfurization of Reduced Crude–A Case History
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Manufacture of Lubricating Oils by Hydrocracking
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Catalysts for Hydrocracking of Distillates and Residuums
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Process Engineering Aspects of Hydrocracking
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Panel Discussion: Hydrocracking of Residuums and Distillates, Including Hydrodesulphurisation of Residuums and Crude Oils
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Xylene Separation and Isomerization by HFBF3
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Extraction des Hydrocarbures Aromatiques par le Dimethylsulfoxyde
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
A Hydrocyclone Process for Deasphaltenizing and Deashing Residual Oils
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Aromatics Recovery by Extractive Distillation with N–Methylpyrrolidone
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
A New Method for Separation of Heavy Petroleum Residues Before Their Catalytic Processing
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Panel Discussion: Hydrocarbon Separation, Including Engineering Developments
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Potentials and Constraints on Non-Hydrogenative Processing of Petroleum
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
New Developments in Catalytic Cracking
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
New Developments in Reforming
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Processing of Residual Petroleum Stocks by Thermocontact Methods
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Production of Aromatics by Conversion Processes
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Nouvelles Conversions d’Hydrocarbures Pour les Procedes de Demain
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
PANEL Discussion: Hydrocarbon Conversion Processes, Including Developments in the Production of Aromatics
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Rentabilité des Calculateurs Numériques Temps Réel Dans l’Industrie du Pétrole
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Modern Approaches to Problems of Optimum Design and Control in Oil Refining and Gas Processing
G. M. Panchenkov; Yu M. Zhorov; I. M. Kolesnikov; O. V. Corpusov; V. I. Loginov; Yu I. Lazian; G. M. Tatarintzeva; G. A. Khalusha
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Refinery Automation with Special Reference to On-Line Quality Measurement Systems
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Control Philosophy
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Engineering Aspects of Computerized Process Control
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
The Human Operator in the Computer-Controlled Refinery
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
PANEL Discussion: Advance Instrumentation and Control in Refinery Operations
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Gas Oil Cracking–The Problems That Had to be Solved.
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Study of High Temperature Thermal Decomposition of Various Paraffin-Olefin Mixtures
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Plasmochemical Pyrolysis of Gaseous and Liquid Hydrocarbons
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Pyrolysis of Hydrocarbons Using Superheated Steam (2000°C) as Heat Carrier
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Pyrolysis of Hydrocarbons Using a Hydrogen Plasma
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
PANEL Discussion: The Production of Olefins and Acetylene as Raw Materials for Use in the Chemical Industry
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Advances in Scientific Knowledge Concerning the Catalytic Activation of Hydrocarbons in Heterogeneous Systems
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Development of the Theory and Practice of Hydrocarbon Oxidation
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Theoretical Basis of Operation of Equipment for Electrical Dehydration and Electrical Desalting of Oil Emulsions
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Fuel for Supersonic Transport Aircraft
V. M. Vull; K. V. Minkner; V. V. Malyshev; A. A. Tupolev; E. R. Tereshchenko; V. V. Yakovlevsky; I. F. Blagovidov; J. E. Bespolov; M. D. Khaikin
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Utilisation d’une Grande Variete de Combustibles dans les Moteurs Diesel–Problèmes et Solutions
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Rotary Engine and Fuel
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Current Trends in Fuel Additives
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
The Influence of Fuel Composition on Fuel Injection in Otto Engines
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Effects of Fuel Volatility on Vehicle Driveability
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Panel Discussion: Petroleum Fuels for Internal Combustion Engines, Including Gas Turbines
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Progres Recents dans la Fabrication des Huiles Pour Moteurs
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Gasoline Engine Oils–Performance, Evaluation and Classification
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
The Contribution of the Oil Additive Industry to the Solution of Automotive Problems Experienced in the Field
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
New Concepts of the Mechanism of Action and Depletion of Motor Oil Additives
P. I. Sanin; I. F. Blagovidov; A. B. Vipper; A. M. Kuliev; S. E. Krein; K. S. Ramaya; G. I. Shor; V. V. Sher; Yu S. Zaslavsky
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
The Development of Special Oils for the Power Plants of Supersonic Transports
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Development and Application of Lubricating Oils For High-Efficiency Diesel Engines (Including Marine)
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Panel Discussion: The Manufacture and Use of Engine Lubricants
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
L’Avenir de l’industrie du Pétrole Comme Source d’Aliments
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Methane as a Source of Edible Material
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Isolation of Food-Acceptable Compounds from Hydrocarbon-Cultivated Yeasts and the Use of these Compounds for Preparing Food-Grade Products
A. N. Nesmeyanov; S. V. Rogoshin; G. L. Slonimsky; V. B. Tolstoguzov; R. V. Golovnya; D. G. Valkovsky; R. K. Dybovsky; M. O. Rozhansky
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Engineering Aspects of Single-Cell Protein Production from Hydrocarbon Substrates: The Airlift Fermentor
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Production of Vitamins and Coenzymes from Hydrocarbons by Micro-Organisms
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Production of Sugars and Amino Acids from Hydrocarbons and Petrochemicals by Micro-Organisms
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Panel Discussion: Petroleum and Microbiology, with Special Reference to Edible Materials
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
The Application and Performance of Asphalts
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
New Direct Conversion Devices For Energy
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Changing Requirements for Industrial Oils and Greases
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
The Air Pollution Research Program of the Coordinating Research Council
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Influence de la Composition du Carburant sur les émissions de Polluants
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Nitrogen Oxide: Formation, Suppression and Catalytic Reduction
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Problems of Automotive Exhaust in the Federal Republic of Germany and Ways for their Solution
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Exhaust Emission Studies Using a Single Cylinder Engine
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Panel Discussion: Air Conservation Automotive Vehicles
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Elements of Pollution Control
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Disposal of Oil Spills from Water Surfaces
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Prevention of Contamination of Water Resources by Oil
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Criteria and Standards for Air and Water Quality
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Technical Means to Reduce Air Pollution
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Atmospheric Scavenging Mechanisms and the Fate of Air Pollutants
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Panel Discussion: Water and Air Conservation in the Petroleum Industries Operations
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
The Rôle of Computers in Pipeline Control
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Operations and Safety Supervision of RMR's Multi Products Pipeline System by Computers
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Submarine Pipelines–A Critique of the Lay Barge Method of Construction
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Construction de Conduites Sous Marines a Toutes Profondeurs par la Méthode de la Courbe en S
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Arctic Pipelines
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
PANEL DiscuSSion: Pipeline Transportation
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Petroleum-Based Industrial Complexes
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Storage of Gas and Oil to Meet Seasonal Demands
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Marine Transportation
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Laws of Flow Resistance and Heat and Mass Transfer For Turbulent Flow in Tubes
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Study of Composition and Structure of Crude Oils and Products of Petrochemical Synthesis by Molecular Spectroscopy and Gas Chromatography
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Separation Techniques as a Preliminary Step to the Determination of the Composition of Petroleum
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
New Developments in Molecular Analysis and their Application in the Petroleum Industry
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Photoelectron Spectrometry
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Developments in Elemental Analyses and their Application to the Petroleum Industry
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Panel Discussion: Analytical Methods, Techniques and Instrumentation
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
The Application of Operations Research Methods to the Problem of Long-Term Planning for the U.S.S.R. Oil Industry
T. V. Balashova; V. L. Danilov; N. G. Egorov; D. F. Kasatkin; L. I. Korzhan; A. P. Krilov; N. M. Nicholaevsky; Yu I. Tscherny
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Short Run Programming of Oil Operations
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
A Systems Approach for Oil and Gas Policy Analysis in North America
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Application of Mixed Integer Programming to Capital Investment Problems in the Oil Industry
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Adaptive Maintenance Planning in an Interacting Environment
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Description of a Corporate Model
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Panel Discussion: The Use of Operations Research in the Petroleum Industry
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
The Marine Storage and Transport of Petroleum Products
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Membrane-Type Storage Tanks for Low Temperature Liquefied Gas
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
The Manufacture and Use of High Yield Strength Spiral Weld Pipe
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
The Manufacture of Hydrocracking Vessels in 2¼% CR 1% MO Steels
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Thick Steel Pressure Vessels
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
Panel Discussion: The Use of Steels for Petroleum Equipment
Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1971.
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