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Proceedings Papers
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1. Report by the Committee dealing with Resolution 4 of the Third World Petroleum Congress
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
2. Les progrès récents de la sédimentologie et ses applications à la recherche du pétrole
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
1. Some Oil - Geological Characteristics of Venezuela (Netherlands)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
2. Petroleum in Western Canada (Canada)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
3. Important Fractured Reservoirs in the United States (U.S.A.)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
4. New Geological Studies Result in Discoveries of Large Gas and Oil Reserves from Salt Dome Structures in the Texas-Louisanna Gulf Coast (U.S.A.)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
5. Introduction to the Geologic Map of the Republic of Venezuela (Venezuela)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
1. Les résultats des études pour la recherche pétrolifère en Sicile (Italie)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
2. The Oil Possibilities in Greece (Greece)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
1. The Wealden Formation in the Netherlands (Netherlands)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
2. Oil Accumulation and the Jurassic System in North-West Germany (Germany)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
3. Les possibilities pétrolières du Jurassique de L’Europe moyenne. Les problèmes français (France)
E. Bonnard; B. Clavier; P. Michel; D. Trumpy; M. Mainguy; H. Hlauschek; R. M. Seroni-Vivien; M. Vigneaux; J. Cuvillier; V. Perebaskine; M. Gottis; M. Orgeval; M. Marie; Y. Gubler
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
4. La découverte et les premiers développements du gisement de Parentis dans le sud-ouest de la France (France)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
1. Recherches de pétrole en Afrique Noire française (France)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
2. La prospection du paléozoïque au nord du Hoggar-Sahara (France)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
3. Contribution à la Géologie du bassin du Cuanza en Angola (Belgique)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
1. The Oligo-Miocene Marine Formation in the Qum Region (Iran)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
2. New Aspects of the Geology in Central Iran (Iran)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
1. The Cementation of Oil Reservoir Sands and its Origin (Great Britain)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
2. Location of Petroleum Accumulation by Facies Studies (U.S.A.)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
1. Contribution de la géochimie à l’étude de l’évolution des huiles brutes dans les bassins sédimentaires (France)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
2. Status of our Present Information on the Origin and Accumulation of Oil (U.S.A.)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
3. Sand Facies of Recent Mississippi Delta Deposits (U.S.A.)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
4. Interstitial Water of Oil-Bearing Sands and Sandstones (Germany)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
1. Progress of Regional Sedimentology (Netherlands)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
2. The Cretaceous-Eocene Boundary in Italy (Italy)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
3. Significant Advances and Trends in Paleontology Including Recent Advances and Trends in Ecology (U.S.A.)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
4. The Ratio between Pelagic and Benthonic Foraminifera as a Means of Estimating Depth of Deposition of
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
5. Stratigraphic Correlation of Upper Cretaceous and Lower Cretaceous in the Tethys and Boreal by the
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
6. Etudes micropaléontologiques de la limite crétacé tertiaire dans les mers mésogéennes (France)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
1. Apports des méthodes électriques de surface à la prospection pétrolière (France)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
2. Geophysical Prospecting over Continental Shelves (U.S.A.)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
3. New Developments in Seismic Methods (U.S.A.)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
4. Exploration for Reefs by Geophysical Methods (U.S.A.)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
5. Modern Methods of Gravity and Magnetic Interpretation (U.S.A.)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
6. Geophysical Technique Employed for Petroleum Exploration in Mexico during the last 15 Years (Mexico)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
7. Underwater Gravity Survey in the Adriatic Sea (Italy)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
1. Correlation of Geological and Geophysical Data (U.S.A.)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
2. Comparative Geological and Geophysical Study of the Po Basin (Italy)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
3. Developments in Geophysical and Geological Exploration for Oil in Germany 1951-1954 (Germany)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
4. Reflection-Seismic Exploration of Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, and its Geological Interpretation by Well Data (Germany)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
1. Conditions that Led to the Formation of Oil-Fields in the Ural-Volga Oil-Bearing Region (USSR)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
2. The Use of Radioactive Radiations in Prospecting and Developing Oil Deposits in the USSR (USSR)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
3. Geophysical Investigation of Drill-Holes in the USSR (USSR)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
4. Geophysical Propsecting for Oil and Gas in the Soviet Union (USSR)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
1. The Unstable Behaviour of Shale Formations in Boreholes and its Control by Properly Adjusted Mudflush Quality
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
2. Flow Characteristics of Oil Base Drilling Fluid
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
3. Symposium sur les boues de forage
Guy Richard; Claude Sourisse; Jean Nougaro; Rena Rouvirre; Gilbert Sablayrolles; Jean Feger; Marcel La-bouysse; Albert Thomas
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
4. Some Aspects of High Weight Muds Used in Drilling Abnormally High Pressure Formation
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
1. Modern Well Completion Methods in U. S. A.
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
2. Oilwell Gravel Packing Operations in Trinidad
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
1. New Drilling Developments
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
2. Techniques of Drilling and producing High Drift Angle Directional Wells
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
3. Average Reservoir Pressure
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
1. Symposium on Well Bore Surveys
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
2. Pour une théorie générale de l’Eltranslog
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
3. Une nouvelle méthode pour prélever des échantillons de fluides dans les formations
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
1. Recovery Increase by Thermal Drive
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
2. Study on P. V. T. Relations of Reservoir Fluids
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
3. Recent Application of Reservoir Treatment in Venezuela
John W. Butler; G. F. Bailey; J. W. Billard; Charles Dobbel; B. N. Moore; A. F. Pocock; R. L. Slaton; R. J. Tribbey
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
4. Pipe Line Flow of Oil and Gas Mixtures
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
5. Problems of Very Heavy Oil Production in California
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
6. Dégazolinage et déshydratation par le froid du gaz naturel
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
7. Flow in Fissured Formations
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
8. Effect of Production Restriction on Iranian Oil Reservoirs
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
1. Correlation of Ultimate Oil Recovery with Reservoir Characteristics
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
2. A Theoretical Investigation into the Recovery of Oil from Fissured Limestone Formations by Water-Drive and Gascap – Drive
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
1. The Influence of the Masses and Moments of Inertia of the Moving Parts of a Drilling Installation on its Hoisting Performance
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
2. Foundation Problems for Marine Drilling Platforms
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
3. Corrosion Effects of Hydrogen Sulphide and Carbon Dioxide in Oil Production
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
4. Investigations and Suggestions for the Employment of Lightweight Steel Construction for Oil Drilling and Production Equipment
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
5. Design of Combined Casing Columns
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
6. Etude du comportement volumétrique et des conditions de formation d’hydrates d’un gaz naturel contenant une forte proportion d’hydrogène sulfuré
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
1. The Terminology of Petroleum Reserves
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
1. Quick Rigging and Tearing Down of Rotary Drilling Rigs
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
2. On the Oil Stratum Elasto-Plastic Drive
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
3. Formation of Vertical Fractures by Means of Highly Viscous Liquid
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
4. The Fundamental Principles of Developments of Oil – Fields in the USSR
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
5. On the Thickness of Thin Layers of Connate Water
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
6. Studies of Filtration of Non-Homogeneous Sistem and their Utilization in Hydrodynamic Calculation of Oil – Field Development
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
7. Turbine Drilling in the USSR
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
1. White Oil Manufacture (Great Britain)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
2. La reconstruction des raffineries de Bari et de Livourne (Italie)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
1. La cristallisation extractive par l’urée dans les opérations de raffinage du pétrole (France).
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
2. Some Recent Developments in Fractional Distillation (U.S.A.)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
3. Fundamentals of Mixing in Petroleum Refining (U.S.A.)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
4. Etude du transfert de chaleur par rayonnement dans les fours (France)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
5. The Influence of the Pressure on Filtering Rate in Dewaxing (Austria)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
6. A Pilot Plant Employing a Novel Process for the Urea Extraction of Hydrocarbons (Great Britain)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
7. Study of Urea Reaction for Dewaxing of Washed Blue Oil from Indian Crude Oil (India)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
8. Continuous Percolation of Lubricating Oils (Great Britain)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
1. Nouveau procédé de raffinage des produits pétroliers (France)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
2. The Autofining Process - The Production of Low Sulphur Diesel Oils (Great Britain)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
3. Theoretical and Technological Research on the Desulphurization of Light Petroleum Distillates (Italy)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
1. Fluid Hydroforming (U.S.A.)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
2. Platforming, Present and Future (U.S.A.)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
3. Chemical Conversion by Isomerization and Dehydrogenation with Catforming (U.S.A.)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
4. Regenerative Platinum-Catalyst Reforming of Naphthas
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
1. The Relative Effect of Deactivating Agencies on the Performance of Silica Alumina Cracking Catalyst (Trinidad)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
2. The Houdriflow Catalytic Cracking Process Today (U.S.A.)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
3. Advances in Fluid Catalytic Cracking (U.S.A.)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
4. Recent Developments in TCC Cracking (U.S.A.)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
5. The Influence of Catalytic Cracking and Other Catalytic Processes on the Production of Italian Refineries for Domestic and Foreign Markets (Italy)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
6. Improvement of Activity and Selectivity of Solid Catalysts (Germany)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
7. Practical Application of Combination Processing (Belgium)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
1. Fluid Coking of Residua (U.S.A.)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
2. The Hoechst Continuous Coking Process (Germany)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
1. Some Aspects of Gasoline Treating Processes with Special Regard to Sulphur Problems (Netherlands)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
2. Fundamentals of Bitumen Blowing (Netherlands)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
1. Technological Developments in Retorting Colorado Oil Shale “1944-1954” (U.S.A.)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
2. The Shale Oil Industry in Sweden (Sweden)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
3. Raffinage par hydrogénation d’huile de schistes bitumineux espagnoles. Etude des fractions lubrifiantes (Espagne)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
4. Pilot Plant Experiments on Combustion of Israel Oil Shale (Israel)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
1. Dosage des produits chimiques dans les effluents de raffinerie (France)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
2. Atmospheric Pollution Problems Associated with the Refining of Middle East Crudes (Great Britain)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
3. Air Pollution Problems and Control (Great Britain)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
4. Report on Deodorization of Refinery Effluents (Great Britain)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
1. Petroleum Refining with Hydrogen (U.S.A.)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
2. Hydrogenation of Crude Oils in Germany, especially Combined with Cracking (Germany)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
1. The Combination Method of Deep Hydrogenation of Residual Petroleum Products (USSR)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
2. Cracking of High Boiling Sour-Crude Fractions on the Silica-Alumina Catalysts (USSR)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
3. A Physico-Chemical Investigation of High-Speed Contact Cracking (USSR)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
1. New and Advanced Developments in Tetramer, Cumene and Motor Polymer Manufacture (U.S.A.)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
2. Routes to Ethylene Manufacture (Great Britain)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
3. Gazéification catalytique des fuels lourds en vue de l’obtention d’éthylène et de propylène (France)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
4. Les réactions des oléfines, principes directeurs dans l’organisation de la recherche (France)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
1. The Recovery and Oxidation of Isomeric Xilenes (U.S.A.)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
2. Chemicals by Direct Oxidation of Hydrocarbons (U.S.A.)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
3. Acetylene by Partial Oxidation of Methane (Germany)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
4. Les procédés de synthèse par oxydation des hydrocarbures – Systématique des réactions, (France)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
5. Recherches et expériences sur l’oxydation partielle du méthane par l’oxygène sur catalyseurs (Italie)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
6. Thermodynamique et stoechiométrie de l’oxydation partielle du méthane par l’oxygène libre (Italie)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
7. L’oxo-synthèse: quelques méthodes de traitement du produit brut de synthèse (Italie)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
1. Surface Active Agents from Petroleum, their Properties and Users (Australia)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
2. Chemicals from Acrolein (U.S.A.)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
3. The Canadian Petrochemical Industry (Canada)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
4. Polyethylene (U.S.A.)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
5. The Manufacture of Acrylonitrile from Natural Gas (U.S.A.)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
6. Free Radical Reactions in Hydrocarbon Chemistry (Netherlands)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
7. The Manufacture of Chemicals from Lubricating Oil By-Products (Great Britain)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
8. Chemicals from Petroleum in the United States (U.S.A.)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
9. New Developments in Hydrocarbon Synthesis (Germany)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
10. Friedel Crafts Syntheses with Aliphatic and Hydroaromatic Hydrocarbons (Switzerland)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
11. The Petrochemical Industry in Italy (Italy)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
12. Déshydrogénation des alcools secondaires en phase liquide. Les éléments du calcul rationnel d’un réacteur industriel (France)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
13. Recent Developments in the Chemistry of Olefins in Italy (Italy)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
14. Modern Methods of the Chemistry of Acetylene and Olefins (Germany)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
1. A Study of the Chlorination of Gaseous Paraffin Hydrocarbons and Certain Transformations of Alkyl Chlorides
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
2. The Use of Boron Fluoride and its Compounds as Catalysts in Raction of Alkylation and Polymerization
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
3. The Preparation of Halogenated Alkylbenzenes and their Transformation into Halogenated Styrenes
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
1. The Use of Ozonolysis in Oil Constitution Research
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
2. Relationship Between the Sulphur Content of Crude Oils and the Sulphur Content of Conventional Refinery Products
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
3. Review of American Petroleum Institute Research Projects on Composition and Properties of Petroleum
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
4. Oxidation of Mineral Oils – Effect of Ozone on the Oxidation Stability
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
5. Some High Pressure Properties of Model Substances and Petroleum Hydrocarbons
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
6. A Critical Study of the Oxidation Stability of Insulating and Lubricating Oils
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
7. The Constitution of Petroleum Fractions, Structural Group Analysis of a Kuwait Heavy Gas Oil
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
8. Heterocyclic Sulpur Compounds
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
9. Analytical Research on Italian Crudes
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
10. C9 and C10 Alkylbenzenes and Aromatic Olefins in the Products of Thermal Aromatization of Naptha
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
11. Contribution to the Chemistry of Higher Petroleum Hydrocarbons
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
12. Viscosity-Temperature Index Scales (VTI)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
1. Nouvelles techniques de fractionnement des produits lourds des pétroles
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
2. Review of New Developments in Analytical Chemistry
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
3. National and International Standardization Relating to Methods of Testing Petroleum Products and to the Measurement of Bulk Oil Quantities
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
4. Analyses of Volatile Organic Compounds by Means of Vapour-Phase Chromatography
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
5. Normalisation belge des méthodes d’échantillonnage et d’essai des produits du pétrole
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
1. Appareil automatique de dosage de soufre par combustion en tube de quartz
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
3. The Determination of Heavy Oil Composition by Mass Spectrometry
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
4. Applications of Radioactivity in Petroleum Technology
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
5. Apparatus for the Rapid and Precise Ebulliometric Determination of Molecular Weights
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
6. A Variable Thickness Cell for Infra-Red Absorption Spectrometry
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
1. The Ultrasonic Velocity, Related with other Physical Properties, in the Structural Group Analysis of Petroleum Products
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
1. The Continuous Determination of Water in Oils by Dielectric Constant
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
3. L’identification et le dosage des impuretés et des additifs dans les produits pétroliers
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
4. Water Dissolved in Hydrocarbon Fuels
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
1. Analyses for Trace Materials in the Petroleum Industry
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
2. Composition and Properties of High Molecular Petroleum Compounds
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
3. A Study of the Hydrocarbon Composition of the Kerosene Fraction of Some Crude Oils of the USSR
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
4. Investigation of the Hydrocarbon Composition of the Benzine Fractions of Some Soviet Crude Oils
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
1. Mechanical and Rheological Measurements on Rubber Bitumen and Rubber Asphalt Mixtures (Netherlands)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
2. Phénomènes superficiels et contact entre liants bitumineux et agrégats dans les travaux routiers et hydrauliques (France)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
3. Mechanical Testing of Asphaltic Bitumen (Netherlands)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
1. A Laboratory Study of Wax Processing Methods (Canada)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
2. Fabrication des paraffines, pétrolatums et cires à partir du pétrole brut Aramco (France)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
1. Recent Trends in Automotive Lubricating Oil Research (U.S.A.)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
2. Développements dans le domaine des dopes et des additifs (France)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
3. Applications of some Physical Methods to Lubrication Research (Great Britain)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
4. Industrial Lubricants (U.S.A)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
5. A Contribution to the Problem of Piston Blow-By of Combustion Gases and to the Accurate Evaluation of Used Crankcase Oils (Germany)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
6. Some Recent Developments in the Specification and Testing of Gear Oils (Great Britain)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
7. Recherches sur l’oxydation des huiles lubrifiantes (Italie)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
8. Viscosity Characteristics of Motor Oil at Higher Rates of Shear (U.S.A.)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
1. The Prevention of Oil Ash Deposition by Means of Fuel Additive (Switzerland)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
2. Deposits from the Continuous Combustion of Oil Fuels (Great Britain)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
3. Experiences in Service with Gas Turbines Using Heavy Fuel Oil and the Application of Gas Turbines in the Petroleum Industry (Switzerland)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
4. The Use of Residual Fuels in Gas Turbines (Great Britain)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
1. Some Considerations on the Use of Today’s Fuels in Automotive Type Diesel Engines (U.S.A.)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
2. The Development of Fuels and Lubricants in Relation to Diesel Engine Requirements (Great Britain)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
3. Les moteurs Diesel de moyenne et grande puissance modernes et la qualité des combustibles et huiles de graissage
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
5. Some Factors Influencing Cylinder Wear in Diesel Engines Using High Viscosity Fuels (Great Britain)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
1. The Chemistry of Combustion Chamber Deposits (U.S.A.)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
2. The Effect of Fuels and Lubricants on Engine Performance (U.S.A)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
3. What’s Happening to Automotive Engines (U.S.A.)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
4. Adaptation des carburants à la performance sur route (France)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
5. A Unified Concept of Combustion in I. C. Engines (Great Britain)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
6. Influence de la composition chimique des combustibles sur le phénomène de la détonation (Espagne)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
1. The Use of Oil Refinery Gases for Public Gas Supply (Netherlands)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
2. The Use of Heavy Fuel Oils in the Gas Industry (Italy)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
3. L’utilisation des produits pétroliers et l’evolution des techniques de production de gas de ville en France (France)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
4. Gazéification des huiles lourdes et extra lourdes – Application a l’utilisation thermique des résidus pétroliers (France)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
2. Combustion Chamber Deposits in Automobile Engines (U.S.A.)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
3. The CLR Oil Test Engine (U.S.A.)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
1. Some Notes on Seals for Rotating Shafts (Netherlands)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
2. Refinery Engineering in Italy (Italy)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
3. Conceptions et réalisations nouvelles pour la réduction des pertes par évaporation (France)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
1. Alloy and Special Steels for the Petroleum Industry (Great Britain)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
2. Aciers et alliages réfractaires (France)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
3. Properties of Steel for Tank Construction (U.S.A.)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
4. Developments in the Use of Tantalum and Zirconium for the Petrochemical Industry (Netherlands)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
5. The Use of Aluminium in the Petroleum Industry (Great Britain)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
6. La fragilité des aciers due à l’hydrogène, notamment dans les milieux renfermant de l’hydrogène sulfuré (France)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
7. In which Cases Should an 18/8-Steel with 0.03%C or 0.05%C or a Stabilized Steel be Chosen (Sweden)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
8. Considérations sur le choix des aciers dans la construction des réservoirs de stockage d’hydrocarbures, en relation avec le danger de rupture fragile (Belgique)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
1. Corrosion Inhibitors in Petroleum Processing Equipment (U.S.A.)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
2. Graphite Formation in Petroleum-Refining Equipment (U.S.A.)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
3. Occlusion of Hydrogen in Steel (U.S.A.)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
4. Corrosion of Underground Pipe in Urban Areas (U.S.A.)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
5. Production of Static Electricity by Movement of Fluid Within Electrically Grounded Equipment (Netherlands)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
6. Protection of Equipment in an Oil Refinery Against Electric Discharges (Italy)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
1. Loss control in Transportation and Storage of Petroleum and Petroleum Products (U.S.A.)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
2. L’économie des super-pétroliers (France)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
3. Recent Developments in Oil Tanker Equipment (Great Britain)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
1. Design and Operation of Marketing Terminals (U.S.A.)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
2. Economic and Technological Considerations in Recent Canadian Pipeline Developments (Canada)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
3. The Design and Construction of Underwater Pipelines (U.S.A.)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
4. Pipelines for Viscous Fuels (Great Britain)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
5. Principes constructifs des conduites pour le transport des hydrocarbures liquides et gazeux en Italie (Italie)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
6. The Problem of Safety in Natural Gas Transmission and Distribution (Italy)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
1. Effective Statistical Analyses for Management (U.S.A.)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
2. Education for Management in the Petroleum Industry (U.S.A.)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
3. The Independent Consultant and the User of Petroleum Products (Australia)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
1. Oil and Gas Conservation in Venezuela (Venezuela)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
2. Interdependence as the Foundation for World Oil Operations (U.S.A)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
3. The Role of Fuel Oils in Europe (Great Britain)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
4. On Limitations of the Right of Property Owing to the Laying of Methane Piping (Italy)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
5. The Utilization of Petroleum Fuels in Europe (U.S.A)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
6. Past and Future Trends in Energy Consumption in Italy (Italy)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
7. La place du pétrole et du gaz naturel dans l’économie énergétique des pays membres de l’O.E.C.E. (O.E.C.E)
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
Composition of Councils and Committees
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
National Committees and their Delegates
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
General Report on the Preparation and Results of the Fourth World Petroleum Congress
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
Text of the Motions presented by the Congress at the Final Session
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
1. The Evolution of Exploration for Oil
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
2. Leading Principles in Organizing the Research in Applied Chemistry
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
3. Energy Resources
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
4. The Utilization of Natural Gas in Italy
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
Table of the Sectional Meetings
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
Official Congress Opening
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
Official Banquet
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
Final Session
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
List of Congress Members
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
Contents of the Volumes I-IX of the Proceedings of the Fourth World Petroleum Congress
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
Index of Names occurring in Volumes I-IX of the Proceedings of’ the Fourth World Petroleum Congress
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, Rome, Italy, June 1955.
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