The Montney depositional fairway stretches over approximately 55,000 square miles from north-east British Columbia to north-west Alberta. To the west the Montney formation is exposed and outcrops within the Rocky Mountain chain, while to the east it sub-crops, at depth, where it was eroded during the late Jurassic and early Cretaceous periods.
The Alberta deep basin Montney has emerged in the last few years as one of the continent's top unconventional resource plays. The operator holds a significant acreage position in the Alberta deep basin, over-pressured, liquids-rich Montney play. This contiguous Montney land position is unique as it has produced prolific rates of gas and associated free liquids, dominantly condensate.
Historically the Montney in this area had been assessed using traditional conventional evaluation techniques, and thus had been over-looked for decades. Unconventional evaluation and development technology improvements, chiefly horizontal multi-stage fracture stimulation techniques, have allowed the operator and industry competitors to unlock the vast hydrocarbon potential that the Alberta unconventional Montney holds. The prolific rates of gas and associated free liquids are the result of a combination of unique geological/reservoir properties and completion/drilling techniques.