As conventional resources decline, unconventional resources like Coal Bed Methane CBM, Shale gas and Gas Hydrates are gaining momentum. Methane (CH4) being the cleanest hydrocarbon fuel, its share in energy basket should increase while considering its Global Warming Potential (GWP), whereas the reduction of direct methane emissions to the atmosphere must be in line with the Global Methane Initiative and targets for Green House gas emissions (GHG). This paper highlights the programs undertaken by the operator in developing its CBM asset as a sustainable venture through successful initiation and implementation of energy intensification, carbon footprint reduction and community development schemes.
The paper highlights the various project initiaties focused on design optimization of energy intensive processes taken to reduce use of fuel. The paper also highlights the emission reduction done by encouraging local industries to shift to cleaner fuels, directly reducing emission of Green House Gasses (GHG). Extensive training and awareness programs were conducted for local farmers to promote use of System of Rice Intensification (SRI), bio-manure, vermi-composting and water conservation. Further initiatives included setting up bio-gas plants, reducing enteric fermentation and creating bio mass burning awareness.
Planned, systematic and sustainable approach towards every activity of CBM field development enabled the operator to commercialize the project while reducing carbon footprint. Oil and gas companies have traditionally been central to the economic & social development in many countries. The cases presented in this paper can serve as a roadmap for companies, especially in developing economies, to undertake well-planned, environment-friendly and community-beneficial activities which can drive the nation/world towards a realm of sustainability