We collect a lot of data in order to decipher and understand our reservoirs, whether from logs and tests in exploration and appraisal wells to data regarding multiple parameters from production wells. There is often a trade-off between data gathering and time/cost to gather the data, but there is usually no compromising the analysis of such hard-earned data. What we often find however is that people fail to make the most of is the large amount of data in the public domain. This is often available free and, whilst often in raw form, rather than analysed, can be analysed and used to extract meaningful data. In this report we interrogate several public data sources and give several examples of analysis undertaken to reveal the regional scale trends for use in revealing unconventional exploration potential to production performance characteristics:
CSG and water production data from Queensland;
Unconventional resource estimate from SA, Queensland and the Northern Territory;
Gas production and demand forecasts for the Australian East coast and how these can be linked with the respource estimates for the region;
Gas and oil production data from South Australia; and
Reserve, resource and production estimates from Wertern Australia.
The methods used generally require only familiar tools such as Excel and ArcMap GIS spatial analysis.
The results can be tailored according to the analysis required but may include any number of parameters, e.g. peak gas or water rate, ultimate gas recovery, gas in place per unit area, and regional trends in such parameters.
We trust that this review will re-awaken analysts to the various public domain data that are available, which, although not always perfect, may provide valuable insights.