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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the The Fourth Underwater Science Symposium: Proceedings, November 19–20, 1997
Paper Number: SUT-USS-97-025
...4th Underwater Sczence Symposzum O SUT 1997 USING VOLUNTEER DIVERS TO MAP SUBLITTORAL HABITATS AROUND THE ISLE OF MAN L 0 VEALE, M J BATES and R C THOMPSON Port Erin Marine Biologists' Sub-Aqua Club (PEMBSAC), Port Erin Marine Laboratory, Isle of Man IM9 6JA UK SCUBA divlng is a usehl tool...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the The Fourth Underwater Science Symposium: Proceedings, November 19–20, 1997
Paper Number: SUT-USS-97-053
...4th Underwater Scrence Symposium O SUT 1997 PROFESSIONAL SCIENTIFIC DIVER TRAINING IN FINLAND J. LEINIKKI AND P. OULASVIRTA Alleco Ltd Mannerheiminhe 5 E Fi-00 100 Helsinlu Finland ABSTRACT Scientific diver professional licenses, examnahons and training were developed in Finland to meet the demands...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the The Fourth Underwater Science Symposium: Proceedings, November 19–20, 1997
Paper Number: SUT-USS-97-063
...4th Underwater Scrence Symposrum O SUT 1997 A MINIATURISED SONAR SAFETY AID FOR FREE SWIMMING DIVERS N CARTER Plastic Sensor Technology Ltd Unit E, Grovebell Industnal Estate Wrecclesham Road Farnham Surrey GU 1 0 4PL, UK ABSTRACT The specific requirements of a personal sonar safety system for free...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the The Fourth Underwater Science Symposium: Proceedings, November 19–20, 1997
Paper Number: SUT-USS-97-161
.... The video showed many of the bombs were corroded and ruptured and their contents exposed. Although the mustard gas chemical is normally inactive in water, the exact composition of the chemical was unknown and so the recovery operation required maximum diver protection be afforded. The JMSDF contracted...

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