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Proceedings Papers
The Fourth Underwater Science Symposium: Proceedings
November 19–20, 1997
Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
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Image Processing--The Sonar Revolution
Paper presented at the The Fourth Underwater Science Symposium: Proceedings, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, November 1997.
Seabed Geomporphology And Shallow Marine Boulder Fields, Dorset: The Application Of Side Scan Sonar To Coastal Geomorphological Study And Marine Resource Management
Paper presented at the The Fourth Underwater Science Symposium: Proceedings, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, November 1997.
Using Volunteer Divers To Map Sublittoral Habitats Around The Isle Of Man
Paper presented at the The Fourth Underwater Science Symposium: Proceedings, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, November 1997.
VETIS: A Survey Tool For Marine Archaeology
Paper presented at the The Fourth Underwater Science Symposium: Proceedings, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, November 1997.
Coral Reef Community Structure Analysis In Three-Dimensional Space: A Comparison Of Techniques
Paper presented at the The Fourth Underwater Science Symposium: Proceedings, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, November 1997.
Using ROVs For Marine Nature Conservation Surveys
Paper presented at the The Fourth Underwater Science Symposium: Proceedings, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, November 1997.
Professional Scientific Diver Training In Finland
Paper presented at the The Fourth Underwater Science Symposium: Proceedings, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, November 1997.
Rusty Fin(n)s, Or The Use Of Extended Range Scuba Diving Techniques For Wreck Research And Its Possible Applications As A Cost-Effective Environmental Hazard And Artificial Reef Research Tool
Paper presented at the The Fourth Underwater Science Symposium: Proceedings, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, November 1997.
A Miniaturised Sonar Safety Aid For Free Swimming Divers
Paper presented at the The Fourth Underwater Science Symposium: Proceedings, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, November 1997.
A Diver Observatory For In-Sztu Studies In Sublittoral Sediments
Paper presented at the The Fourth Underwater Science Symposium: Proceedings, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, November 1997.
In Situ Investigations Of Shallow Water Hydrothermal Vent Systems, Palaeochori Bay, Milos, Aegean Sea.
C. Robinson; W. Ziebis; S. Muller; K. Eichstaedt; P. Dando; P. Linke; S. Varnavas; P. Megalovasilis; D. Panagiotaras
Paper presented at the The Fourth Underwater Science Symposium: Proceedings, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, November 1997.
Competition And Grazing As Processes Structuring Sessile Subtidal Communities
Paper presented at the The Fourth Underwater Science Symposium: Proceedings, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, November 1997.
Underwater Remote Sensing Integrating Aerial Photographs And Acoustic Ground Discrimination Systems
Paper presented at the The Fourth Underwater Science Symposium: Proceedings, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, November 1997.
The Evaluation Of Photomodeler For Use Under Water
Paper presented at the The Fourth Underwater Science Symposium: Proceedings, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, November 1997.
Antibiotics From Surface Associated Marine Bacteria
Paper presented at the The Fourth Underwater Science Symposium: Proceedings, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, November 1997.
Contaminated Water Diving Chemical Munitions Recovery, Lake Kussharo, Japan
Paper presented at the The Fourth Underwater Science Symposium: Proceedings, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, November 1997.
The First Survey Of The Falkland Shallow Sublittoral Zone
Paper presented at the The Fourth Underwater Science Symposium: Proceedings, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, November 1997.
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