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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Subtech '95: Addressing the Subsea Challenge, November 7–9, 1995
Paper Number: SUT-ST-95-001
..., does not mean that runnlng the businesses IS going to be any easler than In the 1970s and 1980s Some factors stay the same even if everything else changes R SHEPHERD World visible subsea projects Including satellites and floaters I Contracting Plan Posslble Produc~ng I upstream oil & gas asset...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Subtech '95: Addressing the Subsea Challenge, November 7–9, 1995
Paper Number: SUT-ST-95-019
... encounter safety deep water operation hopper installation seabed information service upstream oil & gas knox dangerous encounter DANGEROUS ENCOUNTERS: SAFETY TO INSTALLATIONS AND FISHING GEAR K KNOX and A G HOPPER (former Technical Duector of Seafish) lngfisher Charts Technology Division, Sea...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Subtech '95: Addressing the Subsea Challenge, November 7–9, 1995
Paper Number: SUT-ST-95-051
... 94 (Brest, France, September) control system software attachment leg operator toolshd arm 2 inspect upstream oil & gas node probe arm software array probe arm 1 arm system weld artificial intelligence mampulator rov manipulator inspection controller posltlon...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Subtech '95: Addressing the Subsea Challenge, November 7–9, 1995
Paper Number: SUT-ST-95-063
... intelligence man pulator sensor posltlon objectlve new project uuv obta ned laser range finder remotely operated vehicle algorithm subsea system world model research project stoneywood park dyce aberdeen ab2 upstream oil & gas THE TUUV PROGRAM IAN EDWARDS Rockwater Ltd Stoneywood Park...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Subtech '95: Addressing the Subsea Challenge, November 7–9, 1995
Paper Number: SUT-ST-95-073
... vehlcle trunkllne platform gooder auv mlsslon power source recovery operator cost remote marine operation technology autonomous underwater vehlcle vehicle veh cle whlch offshore operator upstream oil & gas subsea system wlth AN AUV FOR PIPELINE SURVEYS-THE NEXT STEP...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Subtech '95: Addressing the Subsea Challenge, November 7–9, 1995
Paper Number: SUT-ST-95-091
... (available in full paper) pascoal martin autonomous underwater vehlcle technology offshore inspection sonar unmanned minisubmarine mother ship artificial intelligence subsea system inspection upstream oil & gas unmanned minisub auv obstacle sonar image underwater vehicle...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Subtech '95: Addressing the Subsea Challenge, November 7–9, 1995
Paper Number: SUT-ST-95-109
... Conference, Toronto, October. Styve, K. and Andersen, K (1994) 'Hyperbanc plpellnes repalr system: current achlevernents and new deepwater challenges.' proceedlngs of OPT'94 Offshore Plpellne Technology Conference, Oslo, February. whlch richardson upstream oil & gas technology conference...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Subtech '95: Addressing the Subsea Challenge, November 7–9, 1995
Paper Number: SUT-ST-95-145
...~ntenance M ~ n ~ m u ~ n fac~l~ty asset Modular repairlreplace~llent BI-annual servlclng Applications Flex~ble and reusable for Marg~nal dlscover~es S~ngle wells Mult~ple wells Econom~c hebacks Subsea separat~on P~gglng systems Subsea ~solat~on valves ph losophy upstream oil & gas subsea...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Subtech '95: Addressing the Subsea Challenge, November 7–9, 1995
Paper Number: SUT-ST-95-121
... RISER. Flgure 10 The P~pellners Dream upstream oil & gas vehlcle pipe plpe snaplaytm appl cat plpestrlng connector coatlng barge clamp uslng dlver merlln al gnment vehlcle plpellne whlch spool teeth operation lay rate ABSTRACT Snap Lay? is a method of laying rigid...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Subtech '95: Addressing the Subsea Challenge, November 7–9, 1995
Paper Number: SUT-ST-95-165
... sensor highway valve deployment system subsea control station choke signature completion upstream oil & gas subsea well subsea production equipment subsea completion seismic array flowline production monitoring reservoir surveillance information sand production production...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Subtech '95: Addressing the Subsea Challenge, November 7–9, 1995
Paper Number: SUT-ST-95-183
... in a unique and innovative way flowline pipe riser novel system approach integrity monitoring wellbore design wellbore integrity upstream oil & gas inspection horizon 2000 1995. The Society for Underwater Technology ...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Subtech '95: Addressing the Subsea Challenge, November 7–9, 1995
Paper Number: SUT-ST-95-223
... arrangement dlver upstream oil & gas deslgn operation helmet display display system supervisor wlth dlsplay momtor helmet shell assembly test 1995. The Society for Underwater Technology ...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Subtech '95: Addressing the Subsea Challenge, November 7–9, 1995
Paper Number: SUT-ST-95-199
... Recording Systems (DDRS), with the objectives of improved safety and more reliable data on which to based decision, both for specific dives and in judging overall safety. project manager ddm export file operation diver securlty upstream oil & gas information management contractor...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Subtech '95: Addressing the Subsea Challenge, November 7–9, 1995
Paper Number: SUT-ST-95-261
... using acoustic telemetry. It also removed the requirement for one of the survey vessels data hrghway leadlng tug rov-less installation electrical industrial apparatus valve vent valve bundle transponder upstream oil & gas stoneyvood park dyce aberdeen ab2 operatlon whlch...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Subtech '95: Addressing the Subsea Challenge, November 7–9, 1995
Paper Number: SUT-ST-95-269
... nozzle cold cutting cutting durlng sequence cuttlng shell expro salm buoy removal hyperbaric centre buoy upstream oil & gas hub steel plate whlch subsea system track system fulmar salm buoy removal trolley application buoy removal FULMAR SALM BUOY REMOVAL...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Subtech '95: Addressing the Subsea Challenge, November 7–9, 1995
Paper Number: SUT-ST-95-013
.... Thank you. companle technology development upstream oil & gas aberdeen offshore technology park queen road aberdeen ab1 6yt energy scottish enterpnse 10 beheve reservoir operator fachty millennium kourosh bassiti head joint industry project research and development ABSTRACT...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Subtech '93, March 24–25, 1993
Paper Number: SUT-AUTOE-v31-221
... supersaturation decompression profile logic & formal reasoning venous blood gas phase partial pressure blood industrial gases bubble-free profile prediction chamber decompression upstream oil & gas gas content mixed venous blood decompression inert gas oxygen health & medicine...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Subtech '93, March 24–25, 1993
Paper Number: SUT-AUTOE-v31-251
.... diver excursion upstream oil & gas simulated operational dive to4501470 requirement symptom subsea system subsea intervention simulated dive programme national hyperbaric centre primary objective intervention compression profile university aurora cardiorespiratory function 1993...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Subtech '93, March 24–25, 1993
Paper Number: SUT-AUTOE-v31-267
... high level operation diver exposure nedwell bolt gun noise otolaryngology upstream oil & gas pressure time history 1993. The Society for Underwater Technology ...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Subtech '93, March 24–25, 1993
Paper Number: SUT-AUTOE-v31-015
... whch inspection umon row ndt device aberdeen performance specification langrock development englneenng ltd gramplan house sa uruted kingdom objective non-destructive testing eddy current requirement rov upstream oil & gas artificial intelligence mampulator ARM PROJECT...

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