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Keywords: hydraulic system
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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Subsea Controls and Data Acquisition '98: Cost effective challenges for a geographically expanding industry, April 22–23, 1998
Paper Number: SUT-SCADA-98-055
... to be transmtted to the surface from the pod F~gure 1 illustrates the schematic form of a genenc electro-hydraulic multiplexed control system Such systems have replaced earlier dlrect hydraulic systems as increased umbilical lengths, due to increased step-distances and greater depths, have resulted in unacceptably...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Subsea Controls and Data Acquisition '98: Cost effective challenges for a geographically expanding industry, April 22–23, 1998
Paper Number: SUT-SCADA-98-073
... utilised simple direct hydraulic systems, operated from manual hydraulic control valves located on a small control panel supplied from the ng hydraulic system These systems have now developed to the complex workover control system we see today operahng in the North Sea Conhnental Shelf, uhlising fa11 safe...

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