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Keywords: resistance
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Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Underwater Technology
Paper presented at the Offshore Site Investigation and Geotechnics: Integrated Technologies - Present and Future, September 12–14, 2012
Paper Number: SUT-OSIG-12-04
... that is, the sides were sloped or battered to provide improved resistance to lateral loads and overturning moments. The concept evolved to ad- dress various fabrication, installation and structural performance issues that were encountered. A schematic of a typical structure is shown in Fig- ure 4a and the actual...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Underwater Technology
Paper presented at the Offshore Site Investigation and Geotechnics: Integrated Technologies - Present and Future, September 12–14, 2012
Paper Number: SUT-OSIG-12-06
... in stiffness and ca- pacity of ? 10% per log cycle in clays. Although rate effects would not be expected to affect capacity sig- nificantly in sands, it was argued that enhanced axial capacities developed in clays to resist any single sudden impulse applied by storm loading conditions. It is noteworthy...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Underwater Technology
Paper presented at the Offshore Site Investigation and Geotechnics: Integrated Technologies - Present and Future, September 12–14, 2012
Paper Number: SUT-OSIG-12-16
... resistance and pore pressure measured with the new tool are compared to those measured with conventional methods at two Gulf of Mexico deepwater sites. The paper demonstrates that the dynamic embedment depth of the new CPT tool can be reliably predicted and that the tool measurements compare well with those...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Underwater Technology
Paper presented at the Offshore Site Investigation and Geotechnics: Integrated Technologies - Present and Future, September 12–14, 2012
Paper Number: SUT-OSIG-12-21
... are then used to validate an embedment model based on strain rate dependent shearing resistance and fluid mechanics drag resistance. 2. Site Description and Soil Properties 2.1 Site location and description Tests were conducted in Lower Lough Erne, North- ern Ireland (see Figure 1). The lake is the third larg...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Underwater Technology
Paper presented at the Offshore Site Investigation and Geotechnics: Integrated Technologies - Present and Future, September 12–14, 2012
Paper Number: SUT-OSIG-12-30
...; ? rate of penetration/extraction governs residual interface friction value; ? pauses in installation and/or extraction sig- nificantly influence interface soil resistance; and ? slower rates generate less variability in peak friction values and thus also in sensitivity. Penetration rates of 1mm/s...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Underwater Technology
Paper presented at the Offshore Site Investigation and Geotechnics: Integrated Technologies - Present and Future, September 12–14, 2012
Paper Number: SUT-OSIG-12-38
..., it is a key parameter for calculation of the penetration resistance and the under pressure required for installation. The sur also influences the side shear resistance after penetration is completed (i.e. setup), and thereby the holding capacity of an anchor and the bearing capacity and settlement...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Underwater Technology
Paper presented at the Offshore Site Investigation and Geotechnics: Integrated Technologies - Present and Future, September 12–14, 2012
Paper Number: SUT-OSIG-12-39
... as rigid-plastic, characterised by a single parameter the ultimate resistance. This is com- monly expressed in a non-dimensionless way as a friction factor (i.e. the axial resistance (T), divided by the submerged pipe weight (W) per unit length). In numerical calculations, the response may be elas- tic...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Underwater Technology
Paper presented at the Offshore Site Investigation and Geotechnics: Integrated Technologies - Present and Future, September 12–14, 2012
Paper Number: SUT-OSIG-12-40
... carbonate soil roughness new framework strength pipe-soil interaction upstream oil & gas effective stress failure envelope axial resistance shear box test undrained strength offshore pipeline resistance excess pore pressure consolidation axial pipe-soil interaction interface...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Underwater Technology
Paper presented at the Offshore Site Investigation and Geotechnics: Integrated Technologies - Present and Future, September 12–14, 2012
Paper Number: SUT-OSIG-12-41
... to withstand lateral (and upheaval) buckling load coming from the pipeline. The available solutions for lateral resistance have been developed for buried pipelines under a flat seabed, and consequently do not take account of the geometry effect relevant to rock berms. They have also been mostly developed...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Underwater Technology
Paper presented at the Offshore Site Investigation and Geotechnics: Integrated Technologies - Present and Future, September 12–14, 2012
Paper Number: SUT-OSIG-12-43
... Abstract Offshore shallow foundations may be subjected to uplift due to overturning or buoyancy loading. Peripheral (and often internal) skirts can enable transient tension loads to be resisted because of negative excess pore pressures developed between the underside of the foundation top cap...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Underwater Technology
Paper presented at the Offshore Site Investigation and Geotechnics: Integrated Technologies - Present and Future, September 12–14, 2012
Paper Number: SUT-OSIG-12-42
... may not have been anticipated when costing the project. plough offshore pipeline frictional resistance sand surface tow force midstream oil & gas vibration carriage input frequency vibration system dundee trench depth pilot study resistance progress rate installation...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Underwater Technology
Paper presented at the Offshore Site Investigation and Geotechnics: Integrated Technologies - Present and Future, September 12–14, 2012
Paper Number: SUT-OSIG-12-46
... ABSTRACT The design of pipelines using controlled lateral buckling is sensitive to the resistance caused by soil berms. To investigate the behaviour of these berms, an experiment was carried out using a model pipe photographed through a window in a centrifuge strongbox. The processed images...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Underwater Technology
Paper presented at the Offshore Site Investigation and Geotechnics: Integrated Technologies - Present and Future, September 12–14, 2012
Paper Number: SUT-OSIG-12-47
... diligence process, which offered the opportunity to review the site investigation data and cyclic loads, to reconsider the effects of cyclic loads on pile resistance and to modify pile lengths and wall thicknesses to mitigate pile tip integrity risk during driving in very dense sands. The re-evaluation...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Underwater Technology
Paper presented at the Offshore Site Investigation and Geotechnics: Integrated Technologies - Present and Future, September 12–14, 2012
Paper Number: SUT-OSIG-12-49
... ) of between 5 and 7. resistance diameter university college dublin sustainability load test subsea system casey mainstream renewable power gavin university college dublin dense sand renewable energy field lateral load test wind energy api method monopile foundation social responsibility...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Underwater Technology
Paper presented at the Offshore Site Investigation and Geotechnics: Integrated Technologies - Present and Future, September 12–14, 2012
Paper Number: SUT-OSIG-12-51
... london clay imperial college london shaft resistance installation loading block 1 london gasparre platform design upstream oil & gas block 2 resistance effective stress jardine rj richard jardine imperial college london college london displacement pile capacity subsea system...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Underwater Technology
Paper presented at the Offshore Site Investigation and Geotechnics: Integrated Technologies - Present and Future, September 12–14, 2012
Paper Number: SUT-OSIG-12-52
.... The cyclic driving stresses ap- plied to the piles can also impact on the fatigue life of the steel. Factors which influence driveability in- clude the makeup of the hammer driving system, pile dimensions and soil resistance. Methods to estimate the soil resistance to driving that are commonly used...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Underwater Technology
Paper presented at the Offshore Site Investigation and Geotechnics: Integrated Technologies - Present and Future, September 12–14, 2012
Paper Number: SUT-OSIG-12-53
... resistance mobilised on driven piles when compared to silica sand, with subsequent reduction in capacity such as that documented for the Rankin A Platform (Jewell and Khorshid, 1988). srd subsea system freefall refusal criteria blow count driveability assessment assessment prediction friction...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Underwater Technology
Paper presented at the Offshore Site Investigation and Geotechnics: Integrated Technologies - Present and Future, September 12–14, 2012
Paper Number: SUT-OSIG-12-54
... water pressure effective stress penetration depth soil strength setup setup upstream oil & gas refusal pore pressure pore water pressure reservoir characterization resistance 1. Introduction Long steel-pipe piles of large diameter have been widely used in offshore engineering. Due...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Underwater Technology
Paper presented at the Offshore Site Investigation and Geotechnics: Integrated Technologies - Present and Future, September 12–14, 2012
Paper Number: SUT-OSIG-12-56
... there for years. resistance penetration civil engineering tianjin university restart blow account buildup diameter excessive pore pressure refusal upstream oil & gas soil-pile interface reservoir characterization bohai gulf long pile pile segment pile refusal platform pile driving...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Underwater Technology
Paper presented at the Offshore Site Investigation and Geotechnics: Integrated Technologies - Present and Future, September 12–14, 2012
Paper Number: SUT-OSIG-12-58
... Dense Sand Sand-Silt 0.37 81 20 5000 Dense Very Dense Sand Sand-Silt 0.46 96 40 10 000 Very Dense Sand 0.56 115 50 12 000 The ultimate pile capacity is assessed by adding total skin friction and total end bearing as shown by: PSPfD qAfAQQQ (2) where Qf is the skin friction resistance (in force units); Q...