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Keywords: reservoir characterization
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Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Underwater Technology
Paper presented at the Offshore Site Investigation and Foundation Behaviour: New Frontiers - Proceedings of an International Conference, September 22–24, 1998
Paper Number: SUT-OSIFB-98-007
... changing needs, and is then not prepared to provide feedback on the quality of the predications made by the contractor reservoir characterization future geophysical site investigation upstream oil & gas houston investrgatron hazard usa shallow secbon sut 1998 hill bp exploration inc...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Underwater Technology
Paper presented at the Offshore Site Investigation and Foundation Behaviour: New Frontiers - Proceedings of an International Conference, September 22–24, 1998
Paper Number: SUT-OSIFB-98-025
... of hemipelagic and pelagic sediments (e-g. using a series of c14 dates) can be a useful tool in dating mass flow emplacement. Once the rate is established it can be extrapolated through the hemipelagic layers to find the age range of deposition for each. geophysical technique continental slope reservoir...
Proceedings Papers
The Investigation of DEepwater Geohazards using Short Offset, High Resolution Marine 3-D Aqquisition
Publisher: Society of Underwater Technology
Paper presented at the Offshore Site Investigation and Foundation Behaviour: New Frontiers - Proceedings of an International Conference, September 22–24, 1998
Paper Number: SUT-OSIFB-98-067
... & gas shallow tow depth reservoir characterization water sand sut 1998 frequency positioning accuracy ABSTRACT The costly well designs and delays caused by the presence of overpressured shallow sand zones or "flowing water sands" in the deep water Gulf of Mexico has focused attention...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Underwater Technology
Paper presented at the Offshore Site Investigation and Foundation Behaviour: New Frontiers - Proceedings of an International Conference, September 22–24, 1998
Paper Number: SUT-OSIFB-98-099
... of sediment supply attributed primarily to the Anglian and Devensian ice sheets. These existed at about 0.4 ma and 20 ka BP, respectively. Much of the upper sequence was interpreted as slumps foundatron behavrour fracture subgroup geohazard sedunent sequence tune shce shce reservoir...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Underwater Technology
Paper presented at the Offshore Site Investigation and Foundation Behaviour: New Frontiers - Proceedings of an International Conference, September 22–24, 1998
Paper Number: SUT-OSIFB-98-123
... established covering oceanographic data (NWAG - North West Approaches Group) and environmental matters (AFEN - Atlantic Frontiers Environment Network). programme shallow geology geological survey wfa north sea geology hydrate geohazard west shetland slope area west reservoir characterization...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Underwater Technology
Paper presented at the Offshore Site Investigation and Foundation Behaviour: New Frontiers - Proceedings of an International Conference, September 22–24, 1998
Paper Number: SUT-OSIFB-98-139
... geohazard sut 1998 block 915 shallow gas shear stress reservoir characterization pore pressure test result investzgatzon shear strain investigation borehole umt iia profiler data shear strength upstream oil & gas Offshore Slte Znvestlgatlon and Founa'utron Behaviour '98 O SUT 1998 USE...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Underwater Technology
Paper presented at the Offshore Site Investigation and Foundation Behaviour: New Frontiers - Proceedings of an International Conference, September 22–24, 1998
Paper Number: SUT-OSIFB-98-163
... the migration of petroleum from source to reservoir, and from reservoir through the cap rock or seal (e.g. Gurevich et al., 1993; shallow gas migration mechanism pore space mgration water depth sediment sut 1998 pore fluid pressure gas overpressure reservoir characterization operational safety...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Underwater Technology
Paper presented at the Offshore Site Investigation and Foundation Behaviour: New Frontiers - Proceedings of an International Conference, September 22–24, 1998
Paper Number: SUT-OSIFB-98-175
...-acoustic measurements (Haynes et al., 1993). The ‘GEOSIS’ project was aimed at improving the correlation between VHR seismic and geotechnical data from integrated site investigations. upstream oil & gas offshore site investigation sechon reservoir characterization cone resistance profile...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Underwater Technology
Paper presented at the Offshore Site Investigation and Foundation Behaviour: New Frontiers - Proceedings of an International Conference, September 22–24, 1998
Paper Number: SUT-OSIFB-98-199
... lierstranda clay sample disturbance water depth stress path procedure disturbance bothkennar clay sut 1998 piston sample cr oedometer test upstream oil & gas specmen oedometer test reservoir characterization coefficient block sample behavrour sampler back pressure aele...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Underwater Technology
Paper presented at the Offshore Site Investigation and Foundation Behaviour: New Frontiers - Proceedings of an International Conference, September 22–24, 1998
Paper Number: SUT-OSIFB-98-221
... pressure) on the bar, so that no adjustment need be made for the overburden stress and ambient pore pressure. cone factor reservoir characterization subsea system cone t-bar penetrometer net cone resistance strength raho randolph load cell strength profile pore pressure area raho...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Underwater Technology
Paper presented at the Offshore Site Investigation and Foundation Behaviour: New Frontiers - Proceedings of an International Conference, September 22–24, 1998
Paper Number: SUT-OSIFB-98-259
... sut 1998 recovery deep water offshore deepwater downhole sampler upstream oil & gas subsea system subsea structure sampler cone water depth t-bar penetrometer cable market reservoir characterization penetrometer foundatzon behavzour sample recovery deepwater seascout...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Underwater Technology
Paper presented at the Offshore Site Investigation and Foundation Behaviour: New Frontiers - Proceedings of an International Conference, September 22–24, 1998
Paper Number: SUT-OSIFB-98-279
... caisson wall-soil interface. reservoir geomechanics loadmg pore pressure qsplacement underbase suchon casson resistance sut 1998 penetrahon wall force upstream oil & gas reservoir characterization cap force excess pore pressure expenment completion installation and operations...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Underwater Technology
Paper presented at the Offshore Site Investigation and Foundation Behaviour: New Frontiers - Proceedings of an International Conference, September 22–24, 1998
Paper Number: SUT-OSIFB-98-325
... penetration resistance behavrour suction penetration penetrahon depth penetration depth reservoir characterization njord field installation suction anchor suction anchor installation resistance anchor locahon sut 1998 differential pressure foundatron behavrour shear strength...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Underwater Technology
Paper presented at the Offshore Site Investigation and Foundation Behaviour: New Frontiers - Proceedings of an International Conference, September 22–24, 1998
Paper Number: SUT-OSIFB-98-427
... mini-cone penetrometer operation wikamson williamson formahon factor sut 1998 pipeline sensor resistivity cable upstream oil & gas resishvity survey vessel washington 98199 information reservoir characterization c-bass data subsystem seafloor avenue west seattle electrode...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Underwater Technology
Paper presented at the Offshore Site Investigation and Foundation Behaviour: New Frontiers - Proceedings of an International Conference, September 22–24, 1998
Paper Number: SUT-OSIFB-98-353
... carbonate sand surface sand layer calcarenite behavrour reservoir characterization design storm sand layer base slab pcpt sut 1998 storm test result installahon excess pore pressure upstream oil & gas offshore srte investrgatron behavzour resistance borehole investrgatron...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Underwater Technology
Paper presented at the Offshore Site Investigation and Foundation Behaviour: New Frontiers - Proceedings of an International Conference, September 22–24, 1998
Paper Number: SUT-OSIFB-98-467
...) basement rock to the north, and oceanic (basaltic) basement rock to the south caspian sut 1998 caspian sea aioc mud volcano mapping frontier geohazard site investigation richard orren reservoir characterization site investigation ian hamilton geophysics department programme quay...