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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Modular Subsea Production Systems: Proceedings of an International Conference, November 25–26, 1986
Paper Number: SUT-AUTOE-v10-025
... by the board of directors in 1975. it was the Garoupa-Namorado one atmosphere EPS, with chambers installed in W.D. varylng in the range of 120-160 m, plus a dry-manifold and two tanker-moonng towers (one for a converted processing ship and the other for the load-out one), and makmg extensive use of multiplex...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Modular Subsea Production Systems: Proceedings of an International Conference, November 25–26, 1986
Paper Number: SUT-AUTOE-v10-061
... of the pod hydraulic circuits and external sensors (pressure, temperature etc ) on the trees and manifolds, rather than by the electromc umt multiplexing circuits (whlch are typically Implemented using low-power CMOS technology) Various energy- ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION NETWORKS 65 saving strateges...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Modular Subsea Production Systems: Proceedings of an International Conference, November 25–26, 1986
Paper Number: SUT-AUTOE-v10-131
...New Technology for Modular Subsea Manifold J -P Roblzn, Alsthom-ACB For deepwater field developments, subsea production systems are frequently envisaged by operators A bas!c architecture consists of a central mamfold gathenng the production of several wells (satellite and/or template wells...

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