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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Modelling the Offshore Environment: Proceedings of an International Conference, April 1–2, 1987
Paper Number: SUT-AUTOE-v12-003
...A Simple Model for Estimating Return Value of Wave Height D. 1. T. Carter, Institute of Oceanographic Sc~ences, UK INTRODUCTION The term 'numencal model' means ddferent thmgs to different people. To a mathematician it provldes a numencal solution to a problem whch cannot be solved analytically...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Modelling the Offshore Environment: Proceedings of an International Conference, April 1–2, 1987
Paper Number: SUT-AUTOE-v12-013
...Advanced Probabilistic Properties of Wave Climates R. G. Tzckell, R. Burrows andB. Salzh, Department of Civll Engmeenng, University of Liverpool, UK The adequacy or otherwise of vanous exlstmg theoretical models for surface elevation, wave height, penod and wave group statistics are tested against...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Modelling the Offshore Environment: Proceedings of an International Conference, April 1–2, 1987
Paper Number: SUT-AUTOE-v12-031
...On the Prediction of Extreme Waves from Wave Hindcast of the Most Severe Storms S. Hauer, R&D Department, Statoll, Norway INTRODUCTION The design wave method 1s frequently adopted for d e t e m g the design values c o n c e m g wave-mduced response. For most purposes the wave height is taken...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Modelling the Offshore Environment: Proceedings of an International Conference, April 1–2, 1987
Paper Number: SUT-AUTOE-v12-073
... use of any wave data whch may be available. The model, called HINDWAVE, can estunate the mean annual wave c h a t e at a site or produce a tune-history of wave height, penod and drection. It can be used m the absence of measured wave data or, equally well, it can extend an existmg short wave record...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Modelling the Offshore Environment: Proceedings of an International Conference, April 1–2, 1987
Paper Number: SUT-AUTOE-v12-117
... for the predlctlon of drectlonal wave spectra. The formulae have been tested by hmdcastmg the waves at elght offshore sltes m the North Sea dunng WHIST storms 3, 5 and 6. At the peak of a storm the model predicted sigdicant wave heights that agreed wth observed values to w l t h the +lo% accuracy suggested...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Modelling the Offshore Environment: Proceedings of an International Conference, April 1–2, 1987
Paper Number: SUT-AUTOE-v12-181
... procedure penod verification procedure wave propagation model spectrum amphtude field data dalrymple shoal laboratory data whch wave height gnd spacmg refidif 1 wavelength usmg offshore bathymetry A Verification Procedure for Wave Propagation Models C. J. Martzn, Marex...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Modelling the Offshore Environment: Proceedings of an International Conference, April 1–2, 1987
Paper Number: SUT-AUTOE-v12-165
.... The present study shows wave hindcast results for January 1987 compared to measurements performed with a directional wave buoy (WAVEC) and a microwave radar (MIROS). The two measurement series were generally in agreement concerning significant wave height, peak period and peak wave direction in that period...

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