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Keywords: threshold level
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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Modelling the Offshore Environment: Proceedings of an International Conference, April 1–2, 1987
Paper Number: SUT-AUTOE-v12-013
... and the result of usmg the bivariate Weibull wth its greater potential flexibility In these mvestigations, the latter distnbution is only margmally more successful. In Fig. 6 the analysis is taken further to present the cdfs of run lengths at the threshold levels of 0 . 5 ~ and Hil3 agam based on bivanate...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Modelling the Offshore Environment: Proceedings of an International Conference, April 1–2, 1987
Paper Number: SUT-AUTOE-v12-031
... is to be camed out only for the selected cases. However, in the present study, contmuous hmdcast data are avadable and we can easdy identlfy the most severe storm sunply by mtroducmg a certam threshold level. The peak values for the storms exceedmg 7 m are gven m Table 1. For two years, no storms above t h s h t...

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