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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Modelling the Offshore Environment: Proceedings of an International Conference, April 1–2, 1987
Paper Number: SUT-AUTOE-v12-013
... an extensive data set from the BP Fomes field. Discussion then moves to the descnption of the long-term wave c h a t e and the modehg of mdivldual storm events. Some useful extensions to the presently avadable models are descnbed, covenng the jomt probabilities of H , and T, and the prediction of storm...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Modelling the Offshore Environment: Proceedings of an International Conference, April 1–2, 1987
Paper Number: SUT-AUTOE-v12-031
...On the Prediction of Extreme Waves from Wave Hindcast of the Most Severe Storms S. Hauer, R&D Department, Statoll, Norway INTRODUCTION The design wave method 1s frequently adopted for d e t e m g the design values c o n c e m g wave-mduced response. For most purposes the wave height is taken...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Modelling the Offshore Environment: Proceedings of an International Conference, April 1–2, 1987
Paper Number: SUT-AUTOE-v12-073
... lrection wdl be coiitrolled by fetch length or by storm duration. To do ths, the duration (t), m seconds, is converted to an equivalent fetch length usmg the formula below, for companson wth the true fetch: F , = 0.008515t] 298 go 29 O 702 The smaller of the two values is assumed to control the wave...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Modelling the Offshore Environment: Proceedings of an International Conference, April 1–2, 1987
Paper Number: SUT-AUTOE-v12-045
... on board the platform. A raw data trace of 18 m u t e s and 42 seconds duration is recorded every three hours for waves and w d m normal conditions, and more frequent data acquisitions are made dunng storms when some threshold are overpassed. Startmg m 1984, onboard calculations of these parameters were...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Modelling the Offshore Environment: Proceedings of an International Conference, April 1–2, 1987
Paper Number: SUT-AUTOE-v12-097
... penods. For severe North Sea storms w t h peak wave penods of 12-16 s, even a water depth of 100 m is shallow m the sense that the amount of energy whch can be contamed m some of the energy 'bms' is sigdicantly smaller than for ~nfirutely large water depths 100 ADVANCES IN UNDERWATER TECHNOLOGY Apart...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Modelling the Offshore Environment: Proceedings of an International Conference, April 1–2, 1987
Paper Number: SUT-AUTOE-v12-117
... for the predlctlon of drectlonal wave spectra. The formulae have been tested by hmdcastmg the waves at elght offshore sltes m the North Sea dunng WHIST storms 3, 5 and 6. At the peak of a storm the model predicted sigdicant wave heights that agreed wth observed values to w l t h the +lo% accuracy suggested...

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