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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Modelling the Offshore Environment: Proceedings of an International Conference, April 1–2, 1987
Paper Number: SUT-AUTOE-v12-013
... an extensive data set from the BP Fomes field. Discussion then moves to the descnption of the long-term wave c h a t e and the modehg of mdivldual storm events. Some useful extensions to the presently avadable models are descnbed, covenng the jomt probabilities of H , and T, and the prediction of storm...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Modelling the Offshore Environment: Proceedings of an International Conference, April 1–2, 1987
Paper Number: SUT-AUTOE-v12-031
...On the Prediction of Extreme Waves from Wave Hindcast of the Most Severe Storms S. Hauer, R&D Department, Statoll, Norway INTRODUCTION The design wave method 1s frequently adopted for d e t e m g the design values c o n c e m g wave-mduced response. For most purposes the wave height is taken...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Modelling the Offshore Environment: Proceedings of an International Conference, April 1–2, 1987
Paper Number: SUT-AUTOE-v12-117
...Wave Prediction by an Empirical Ray Tracing Model A. J. Ellzott, Unit for Coastal and Estuarine Studies, Marine Science Laboratories, UK A ray tracmg model that mcludes the effects of refraction m shallow water has been developed to allow the evaluation of a set of empmcal formulae...

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