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Proceedings Papers
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Artificial reef Technology
Paper presented at the Man-Made Objects on the Seafloor 2000, London, UK, May 2000.
Deep Ocean Landers : Sea Floor Autonomous Research Stattions
Paper presented at the Man-Made Objects on the Seafloor 2000, London, UK, May 2000.
Technology for Ground Truthing Seafloor Processes
Paper presented at the Man-Made Objects on the Seafloor 2000, London, UK, May 2000.
The Silent Enemy Below
Paper presented at the Man-Made Objects on the Seafloor 2000, London, UK, May 2000.
Development of A Controllable Grab System For Deep Water Recovery
Paper presented at the Man-Made Objects on the Seafloor 2000, London, UK, May 2000.
The History of Submarine Telecommunication Cables
Paper presented at the Man-Made Objects on the Seafloor 2000, London, UK, May 2000.
The Subsea Pipeline-More Than Just A Steel Tube?
Paper presented at the Man-Made Objects on the Seafloor 2000, London, UK, May 2000.
Oil And Gas Seabed Infrastructure-Whats Is It And How Does It Affect Other Users Of The Sea?
Paper presented at the Man-Made Objects on the Seafloor 2000, London, UK, May 2000.
Archaeological Intervention In The Deep Sea
Paper presented at the Man-Made Objects on the Seafloor 2000, London, UK, May 2000.
Signs And Symptoms Of Deepwater Trawling On the Atlantic Margin
Paper presented at the Man-Made Objects on the Seafloor 2000, London, UK, May 2000.
Approaches To The Monitoring Of Marine Disposal Sites Under The UK Food And Environment Protection Act (Part II, 1985)
Paper presented at the Man-Made Objects on the Seafloor 2000, London, UK, May 2000.
Subsea Radiological Serveys : A Case Study At Dounreay
Paper presented at the Man-Made Objects on the Seafloor 2000, London, UK, May 2000.
The Exploration Of The Submarine Wrecks Komsomolets and I-52 By The Mir Submersibles
Paper presented at the Man-Made Objects on the Seafloor 2000, London, UK, May 2000.
Surveys of The Beaufort's Dyke Explosives Disposal Site
Paper presented at the Man-Made Objects on the Seafloor 2000, London, UK, May 2000.
Drill Cutings Piles
Paper presented at the Man-Made Objects on the Seafloor 2000, London, UK, May 2000.
"Calibrating" The effects of Man's Detritus Through The Study of Genotoxic Pollition
Paper presented at the Man-Made Objects on the Seafloor 2000, London, UK, May 2000.
The Ospar Commission Decision 98/3 - A Green Fig Leaf Or An Environmental Turning Point?
Paper presented at the Man-Made Objects on the Seafloor 2000, London, UK, May 2000.
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