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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Disposal of Radioactive Waste In Seabed Sediments: Proceedings of an international conference, September 20–21, 1989
Paper Number: SUT-AUTOE-v18-017
... Commission for Radiologcal Pro- tection (ICRP) IRCP recommendations are based on the principle that the nsks to people from radiation exposure should be kept to acceptable levels In the Advances m Underwater Technology, Ocean Screnceand Offshore Engieerrng, Volume 18 Dtsposal ofRadroactrve Waste in Seabed...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Disposal of Radioactive Waste In Seabed Sediments: Proceedings of an international conference, September 20–21, 1989
Paper Number: SUT-AUTOE-v18-051
... turbidite, results in a two-tone colorabon whch is persistent for at least 730 ka Weakly reducing conditions exlst below the surficial oxlc layer, the former extenhng to at least 30 m Sulphate reduction is neglisble Advances m Underwater Technology, &an Scrence and Offshore Engmnemmng, Vdume I8 Disposal...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Disposal of Radioactive Waste In Seabed Sediments: Proceedings of an international conference, September 20–21, 1989
Paper Number: SUT-AUTOE-v18-079
... (PAClIE2) These study areas are shown in E'lgs 1 ,4 and 7 respectively Aduances m Underwater Technology, Ocean Scrence and Offshore Engmneermng, Volume I8 Dmsposal ofRaduuctrue Waste m Seabed Sedrments, O Soc~ety for Underwater Technology (Graham & Trotman), 1989 80 ADVANCES IN UNDERWATER TECHNOLOGY...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Disposal of Radioactive Waste In Seabed Sediments: Proceedings of an international conference, September 20–21, 1989
Paper Number: SUT-AUTOE-v18-165
..., Schreiner et al , 1982, Eriksen and Jacobsson, 1984. hydrostatic pressure diffusion coefficient porosity sediment murray table 111 sehment expenment radionuclide diffusion underwater technology temperature dependence diffusion coeffiaent weighted mean seawater waste management higgo...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Disposal of Radioactive Waste In Seabed Sediments: Proceedings of an international conference, September 20–21, 1989
Paper Number: SUT-AUTOE-v18-237
... Underwater Technology, Ocean Screnceand Offahore Engrneermng, Volume 18 D ~ p o s a l ofRadmoackve Waste m Seabed Sedrments, Q Sonety for Underwater Technology (Graham & Trotman), 1989 238 ADVANCES IN UNDERWATER TECHNOLOGY The present expenmental programme was Intended to complete a multi-year project a t...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Disposal of Radioactive Waste In Seabed Sediments: Proceedings of an international conference, September 20–21, 1989
Paper Number: SUT-AUTOE-v18-291
... a five-year plan to co-ordinate International studies. Many countnes and governments have participated w t h the followng talung leading roles- Advances m Underwater Technology, Ocean Screnceand Offshore Engrneerrng, Volume 18 Disposal ofRaduxrctrw Was& m Seabed Sedrments, O Society for Underwater...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Disposal of Radioactive Waste In Seabed Sediments: Proceedings of an international conference, September 20–21, 1989
Paper Number: SUT-AUTOE-v18-317
... is Advances rn Underwater Technology, Ocean Sccenceand OffshoreEngrneering, Volume 18 Disposal ofRadumctiue Waste m Seabed Sedrmenk, 0 O ~ e t y for Underwater Technology (Graham & Trotman), 1989 318 ADVANCES IN UNDERWATER TECHNOLOGY presented A number of inferences are made from the recommendations idenh...

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