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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Disposal of Radioactive Waste In Seabed Sediments: Proceedings of an international conference, September 20–21, 1989
Paper Number: SUT-AUTOE-v18-003
...The Role of the Sediment Barrier T. J. Freeman, Building Research Establishment, UK, P. J. Schulthezss and R. C. Searle, Institute of Oceanographic Sciences, UK, G C. Szlls, Oxford University, UK, F. E. Toolan, Fugro-McClelland Ltd, UK The conference 'Disposal of radioactive wastes in seabed...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Disposal of Radioactive Waste In Seabed Sediments: Proceedings of an international conference, September 20–21, 1989
Paper Number: SUT-AUTOE-v18-017
...Requirements for Radiological Assessments of Disposal of Radioactive Waste in Seabed Sediments S. F. Mobbs, National Ra&olo@cal Protection Board, UK w INTRODUCTION The disposal of radioactive wastes in seabed sediments has been under study for more than ten years, both in the UK...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Disposal of Radioactive Waste In Seabed Sediments: Proceedings of an international conference, September 20–21, 1989
Paper Number: SUT-AUTOE-v18-029
...Radiological Assessment of the Consequences of the Disposal of High-Level Radioactive Waste in Subseabed Sediments D. A. Stanners, C. Flebus, Commission of the European Communities, Italy, G. de Marszly, M. Poulzn, Ecole Nationale Supkrieure des Mlnes de Pans, France, V. Behrendt, A Karpf, Dornier...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Disposal of Radioactive Waste In Seabed Sediments: Proceedings of an international conference, September 20–21, 1989
Paper Number: SUT-AUTOE-v18-051
..., and latterly by the international ESOPE expedition organized by the NEA Seabed Working Group The large data set from this area of 2 ° x 2 ° includes 16 000 km of low-frequency seismic lines, 28 000 km of high-frequency seismic lines, 70 000 km 2 of GLORIA sidescan and 120 sediment cores Core coverage extends...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Disposal of Radioactive Waste In Seabed Sediments: Proceedings of an international conference, September 20–21, 1989
Paper Number: SUT-AUTOE-v18-079
... not been possible to obtain core samples of saclent quality and depth to provlde all the parameters needed for the assessment, no fundamental dfferences between the sediments at the study areas and those found on land or in shallow water have been identified INTRODUCTION For the past five years...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Disposal of Radioactive Waste In Seabed Sediments: Proceedings of an international conference, September 20–21, 1989
Paper Number: SUT-AUTOE-v18-099
... The abyssal plains of the Great Meteor East (GME) at 30–33 °N, 23–26 °W and the Southern Nares Abyssal Plain (SNAP) at 22–24 °N, 62–65 °W have distinctly different sediment stratigraphies sand stress states The GME site, with laterally continuous, thick interbedded turbidites, has higher...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Disposal of Radioactive Waste In Seabed Sediments: Proceedings of an international conference, September 20–21, 1989
Paper Number: SUT-AUTOE-v18-115
...Small Fractures in Deep Sea Sediments: Indicators of Pore Fluid Migration along Compaction Faults Dale E. Buckley, Atlantic Geoscience Centre, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Canada A long piston core taken from the Southern Nares Abyssal Plain, intersected four fractures in plastic sediments...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Disposal of Radioactive Waste In Seabed Sediments: Proceedings of an international conference, September 20–21, 1989
Paper Number: SUT-AUTOE-v18-139
... A series of tests have been conducted to evaluate the leaching of glass kept in contact with sea sediments. Some tests were also conducted using sediment loaded with iron corrosion products. The mass loss rate, even after 240 days, was constant No specific effect of the iron corrosion products...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Disposal of Radioactive Waste In Seabed Sediments: Proceedings of an international conference, September 20–21, 1989
Paper Number: SUT-AUTOE-v18-151
...Difision and Fixation of a Mobile Radionuclide in Deep Sea Sediments S. Nakashrma and H. Kzta, Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute, Japan Diffusion expenments of pertechnetate amon (95mT~0 were conducted at room temperature on some deep sea sediments and bentomte, in order to evaluate diffusion...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Disposal of Radioactive Waste In Seabed Sediments: Proceedings of an international conference, September 20–21, 1989
Paper Number: SUT-AUTOE-v18-165
... In the absence of pore water movement the dominant transport mechanism for migrating radionuclides in seabed sediments is diffusion Apparent diffusion coefficients measured in sediments are sensitive to chemical (e g, redox) and physical (e g, porosity) conditions. The influence of pressure...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Disposal of Radioactive Waste In Seabed Sediments: Proceedings of an international conference, September 20–21, 1989
Paper Number: SUT-AUTOE-v18-179
...Migration Pathways in Seabed Sediments Janet R Gronow, Wastes Technical Policy Unit, Department of the Environment, London The effectiveness of the subseabed dlsposal opt~on for heat-generating wastes depends in part on the integrity of the bamer provlded by the sed~ment, once the near-field bamer...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Disposal of Radioactive Waste In Seabed Sediments: Proceedings of an international conference, September 20–21, 1989
Paper Number: SUT-AUTOE-v18-199
... strength national laboratone consolidation reference penetrator excess pore pressure physical property pore pressure study area penetrator permeability barner pathway expenment sediment reservoir characterization upstream oil & gas sehment entry pathway freeman emplacement...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Disposal of Radioactive Waste In Seabed Sediments: Proceedings of an international conference, September 20–21, 1989
Paper Number: SUT-AUTOE-v18-257
...- solved is the degree to which the sediment barner is disturbed by the penetration event The HOCUS expenments were therefore dewsed to measure the properties ofthe sediment filling the entry pathway of the penetrator T h s paper descnbes the expenments whch were performed m the Mediterranean in a water...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Disposal of Radioactive Waste In Seabed Sediments: Proceedings of an international conference, September 20–21, 1989
Paper Number: SUT-AUTOE-v18-291
... sediments Two disposal methods, the penetrator option and the dnlled emplace- ment option have been investigated on an international basis, whle a thrd, the seabed repository option, has been studied in the UK only Before descnbing the three disposal methods, the chapter discusses the role of the enpneered...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Disposal of Radioactive Waste In Seabed Sediments: Proceedings of an international conference, September 20–21, 1989
Paper Number: SUT-AUTOE-v18-317
... scientific and technical activities pertaining to s tuhes of the disposal of hgh-level radioactive waste and spent fuel in seabed sediments. Murray (1988) has summanzed the need for the seabed hsposal option as a vlable alternative plan to the land disposal option for the hgh-level civllian and military...

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