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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Disposal of Radioactive Waste In Seabed Sediments: Proceedings of an international conference, September 20–21, 1989
Paper Number: SUT-AUTOE-v18-017
... sediments 3000-6000 m f Free fa l l D r ~ l l s t r ~ n g to I penetrator d r ~ l l e d hole I 50 - 500 m 20 - 2000 m Unconsolldated L l t h ~ f ~ e d Crysta l rock sed~men t (Clay 1 s e d ~ m e n t Fig. 2 Penetrator and dnlled hole emplacement concepts Table 11 Scenarzo descnptzons and peak zndzvzdual...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Disposal of Radioactive Waste In Seabed Sediments: Proceedings of an international conference, September 20–21, 1989
Paper Number: SUT-AUTOE-v18-029
... emplaced penetrator, the corrosion and leaching proper- ties of the waste are not s i w c a n t . Only three scenanos were found to mcrease the doses sl@cantly (1) emplacement of penetrators at a depth < 10 m in the sehment; (2) emstence of an upward pore water veloclty m the sedunents; (3) change m...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Disposal of Radioactive Waste In Seabed Sediments: Proceedings of an international conference, September 20–21, 1989
Paper Number: SUT-AUTOE-v18-199
... strength national laboratone consolidation reference penetrator excess pore pressure physical property pore pressure study area penetrator permeability barner pathway expenment sediment reservoir characterization upstream oil &amp; gas sehment entry pathway freeman emplacement...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Disposal of Radioactive Waste In Seabed Sediments: Proceedings of an international conference, September 20–21, 1989
Paper Number: SUT-AUTOE-v18-221
... penetrators The prototype penetrator could be of the order of 0 65 m in dlameter and 8 5 m long The waste contained could have a heat power output of about 2 kW a t the time of emplacement and this would gradually decay The method of disposal would be simply to drop the penetrators from a shlp through 5-6 km...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Disposal of Radioactive Waste In Seabed Sediments: Proceedings of an international conference, September 20–21, 1989
Paper Number: SUT-AUTOE-v18-237
...Centrifuge Modelling of a Free-Fall Penetrator F. Poorooshasb, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada R. G James, Cambridge University Engineenng Department, UK This chapter descnbes the expenments undertaken on the Cambndge Geotechm- cal Centnfuge whch modelled the free-fall penetrator option...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Disposal of Radioactive Waste In Seabed Sediments: Proceedings of an international conference, September 20–21, 1989
Paper Number: SUT-AUTOE-v18-257
... Sperimentale Model11 e Strutture, Italy J. Hzckerson, Sandia, USA The free-fall penetrator is one of the conceptual disposal techniques considered by the Seabed Worlung Group for the disposal of heat-generating radioactive waste in the deep ocean However, one aspect of penetrator behawour that remains unre...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Disposal of Radioactive Waste In Seabed Sediments: Proceedings of an international conference, September 20–21, 1989
Paper Number: SUT-AUTOE-v18-291
... sediments Two disposal methods, the penetrator option and the dnlled emplace- ment option have been investigated on an international basis, whle a thrd, the seabed repository option, has been studied in the UK only Before descnbing the three disposal methods, the chapter discusses the role of the enpneered...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Disposal of Radioactive Waste In Seabed Sediments: Proceedings of an international conference, September 20–21, 1989
Paper Number: SUT-AUTOE-v18-317
..., is to proceed to the technolopcal proof of concept by emplacing one or more full-sized waste canisters contaimng non-radioactive, simulated heat-producing waste by a chosen deploy- ment system The latter could include the dnlled, the penetrator or the pushed-in option Emplaced camsters would be monitored...

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