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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Aspect '96: Advances in Subsea Pipeline Engineering and Technology, November 27–28, 1996
Paper Number: SUT-ASPECT-96-003
... ABSTRACT The paper presents an introduction to the new Pipelines Safety Regulations (PSR) 1996 (more formally known as Statutory Instrument 1996 No 825) which came into force on 1lth April this year. The reasons and purpose for their introduction and various aspects of the Regulations...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Aspect '96: Advances in Subsea Pipeline Engineering and Technology, November 27–28, 1996
Paper Number: SUT-ASPECT-96-155
... ABSTRACT A model to predict the lateral buckling behaviour of hot pipelines exposed on the seabed is described. Lateral buckling design predictions are compared against the observed movement of an operational pipeline. The implications for the design and construction of high temperature...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Aspect '96: Advances in Subsea Pipeline Engineering and Technology, November 27–28, 1996
Paper Number: SUT-ASPECT-96-233
... ABSTRACT This paper discusses the principal design considerations for a plastic pipeline to supply deep cold sea water to a shore based site A small prototype Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) project producing fresh water on the island of Tenenfe has formed the basis for this design work...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Advances in Subsea Pipeline Engineering and Technology: Proceedings of ASPECT '90, May 30–31, 1990
Paper Number: SUT-AUTOE-v24-033
...PIPELINE DEBURIAL N. V. Sills Consortium Resource Management Ltd. 19 Denmore Ind. Est., Aberdeen ABSTRACT The paper gives a brief hlstory of pipellne burlal in the North Sea to establish the parameters for deburlal and lndlcates why thls actlvlty 1s lncreaslng. A revlew of past and present deburlal...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Advances in Subsea Pipeline Engineering and Technology: Proceedings of ASPECT '90, May 30–31, 1990
Paper Number: SUT-AUTOE-v24-249
... of around 100,000 barrels per day have been achieved/The Brae ‘B’ platform was installed in 1987 and first oil was achieved in April 1988 The Brae ‘A’ and Brae ‘B’ platforms are connected to each other by a twin 18″ pipeline system from the Brae ‘B’ platform, oil is transported to Brae ‘A’ where...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Advances in Subsea Pipeline Engineering and Technology: Proceedings of ASPECT '90, May 30–31, 1990
Paper Number: SUT-AUTOE-v24-321
...HAZARD AND PROTECTION CONCEPTS FOR DEEPWATER PIPELINES: THE ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS. J u l l o E. MELEGARI , SAIPEM G i o r g i o BRESSAN , SAIPEM San Donato Mi lanese, M i l a n ( I t a l y ) P i p e l i n e s t a b i l i t y i n c r i t i c a l areas o f u n s t a b l e and/or r a p i d l y e v o l...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Advances in Subsea Pipeline Engineering and Technology: Proceedings of ASPECT '90, May 30–31, 1990
Paper Number: SUT-AUTOE-v24-335
... aker engineering bergen tie-in arrangement seal tube bellmouth tie-in concept pipeline entrance arrangement subsea pipeline engineering seallng pull cable end cap plpellne offshore pipeline midstream oil & gas seal tube water depth sealtube tunnel DEEP WATER TIE-IN PAAL...

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