The reservoir E in L oilfield was deeply developed. Current horizontal infill wells were mainly aimed at marginal regions with predicted high remaining oil reserves. An accurate reserves prediction is critical for optimal production steering and future well pattern design. However, current modeling technology with conventional measurements only simulated uncertain remaining reserves because of the uncertainties of the oil trap profile, oil saturation distribution, and dynamic oil/water contact (OWC).
The remaining oil production management can be enhanced through a game-changing remote mapping service. Without any artificial assumptions, this high-definition deep mapping (HDDM) inversion service could remotely identify the quantitative subsurface features, including layers’ numbers, resistivity and anisotropy distribution, thickness, and dip. The depth of investigation (DOI) of this service can cup to 5m from the borehole. These visualization and quantitative products could instruct the production steering away from the delineated dynamic OWC and optimize corresponding water-controlled completion configurations. Furthermore, updated trap profile and oil saturation distribution could be used to reassess remaining oil reserves for further well pattern optimization.
In two infill wells with great challenges from the uncertain structural dip and uncertain oil column, HDDM inversion service clearly delineated the reservoir top and dynamic OWC with a distance of up to approximately 3 m, as well as the oil saturation distribution. Accordingly, the trajectory was precisely controlled with enough oil column. Furthermore, the autonomous inflow control device (AICD) water-controlled completion configuration was specifically optimized for the actual well performance better than expected. Moreover, reaming oil reserves in these two regions were updated and geological reserves increased up to 79.4 × 104 m3, which would greatly contribute to the sustainability of this mature reservoir.
The HDDM service demonstrated its unique visualization capability to remotely reveal a reservoir’s quantitative details, which could effectively manage the production steering efficiency, remaining oil reserves assessment and future well pattern design.