The Nankai Trough Seismogenic Zone Experiment program is a coordinated, multi-expedition drilling project designed to investigate fault mechanics and seismogenesis along subduction mega-thrusts with direct sampling operations by the scientific drillship CHIKYU. The primary goals for the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 333 (IODP Exp. 333) were to drill and core sediment and basement in the Shikoku Basin off the coast of Japan. The transition section including the interface from the overlying sediments to the oceanic basalt basement was cored from 500 m-below sea floor (BSF) in ocean depths of over 3500 m. Obtaining high recovery and quality core samples is crucial for comprehensive and accurate analysis. This study analyzes the results of the core recovery ratio and quality of basement samples at coring site C0012G in order to optimize future recovery operations.
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A Study of the Core Recovery and Quality for LOPD Expedition 333
Yuichi Shinmoto
Yuichi Shinmoto
Japan Agency Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC)
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Paper presented at the SPWLA 18th Formation Evaluation Symposium of Japan, Chiba, Japan, September 2012.
Paper Number:
September 27 2012
Shinmoto, Yuichi. "A Study of the Core Recovery and Quality for LOPD Expedition 333." Paper presented at the SPWLA 18th Formation Evaluation Symposium of Japan, Chiba, Japan, September 2012.
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