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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPWLA 65th Annual Logging Symposium, May 18–22, 2024
Paper Number: SPWLA-2024-0028
... logging symposium halite carnallite gamma ray spwla 65 neutron prediction SPWLA 65th Annual Logging Symposium, May 18-22, 2024 DOI: 10.30632/SPWLA-2024-0028 A MACHINE LEARNING APPROACH TO PREDICT AND CHARACTERIZE EVAPORITES FOR H2 STORAGE IN SALT CAVITIES Perrine Baron, Emmanuel Caroli, Sabine...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPWLA 65th Annual Logging Symposium, May 18–22, 2024
Paper Number: SPWLA-2024-0114
... in different directions and perform an imaging display, which can visualize the missing cement ring in different directions. In this paper, the diffusion equation of gamma rays under double-layer casing conditions is derived for the process of gamma particles interacting with the medium. Through numerical...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPWLA 65th Annual Logging Symposium, May 18–22, 2024
Paper Number: SPWLA-2024-0056
...., 2015), a twostep approach was developed where first, each physical property is inferred from its corresponding well log (e.g., gamma ray, resistivity, density), generating tool- The most common solution given to this problem is to independent blocky logs, also referred to as earth model use volumetric...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPWLA 65th Annual Logging Symposium, May 18–22, 2024
Paper Number: SPWLA-2024-0108
... The traditional GGD measurement uses the scattering of 662-keV gamma rays from a 137Cs radioisotopic source to determine formation density. A statistically precise measurement requires a 40-GBq or higher source strength. Such a logging source, with a 30.17-year halflife, poses significant health, safety...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPWLA 65th Annual Logging Symposium, May 18–22, 2024
Paper Number: SPWLA-2024-0121
... rays, gradually slowing down to thermal neutrons and eventually captured by the formation nucleus. Inelastic gamma rays and equivalent thermal neutron information are recorded by the new detection system with dual CLYC detector, including: inelastic gamma count and equivalent thermal neutron count...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPWLA 65th Annual Logging Symposium, May 18–22, 2024
Paper Number: SPWLA-2024-0126
...: the volume fractions of dispersed clay (Xd), laminated clay (Xl), and structural clay (Xs) all to be determined. The approach begins with the derivation of the equations for porosity, gamma-ray response, and effective P-wave slowness. These equations are formulated introducing the clay distributions...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPWLA 64th Annual Logging Symposium, June 10–14, 2023
Paper Number: SPWLA-2023-0045
... in the geomechanical characterization of the subsurface. This work aims to present a fast and reliable method for geomechanical parameters evaluation, using surface logging data (Weight on Bit, Rate of Penetration, Torque, Rotation Per Minute, Stand Pipe Pressure) and well log data (Gamma Ray log, Sonic log, Bulk...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPWLA 64th Annual Logging Symposium, June 10–14, 2023
Paper Number: SPWLA-2023-0027
... due to the differing distributions of clay. The impact of the clay on porosity depends on the length scale with which the clay is distributed. The original TS model is extended by allowing the dispersed clay porosity and gamma ray response to differ from the laminated clay porosity. Dispersed clay...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPWLA 64th Annual Logging Symposium, June 10–14, 2023
Paper Number: SPWLA-2023-0103
... challenges. This has led to the development of a compact integrated LWD tool optimized for geosteering, evaluating, and optimally completing unconventional reservoirs. Azimuthal spectral gamma ray, high-resolution ultrasonic imaging, and azimuthal sonic sensors are incorporated into a single 14.5 ft. (4.4 m...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPWLA 63rd Annual Logging Symposium, June 11–15, 2022
Paper Number: SPWLA-2022-0078
... Abstract In our previous research which has published in 62th SPWLA symposium, a numerical simulation method was proposed which about the double particle detector CLYC (Cs 2 LiYCl 6 :CE) to get the response of thermal neutron and gamma ray. It is feasible to use CLYC detector in pulsed neutron...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPWLA 63rd Annual Logging Symposium, June 11–15, 2022
Paper Number: SPWLA-2022-0070
... are reasonably consistent across multiple wells. Manually correcting logs for consistency is laborious, subjective, and error prone. For some logs, such as gamma ray and neutron porosity, systematic inconsistencies or errors can be caused by borehole effects as well as miscalibration. Biased or consistently...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPWLA 62nd Annual Logging Symposium, May 17–20, 2021
Paper Number: SPWLA-2021-0023
..., BGO, LaCl 3 , or LaBr 3 detectors are used to realize the quantitative evaluation of gas saturation. With the development of nuclear technology, the new detector, called CLYC (Cs 2 LiYCl 6 :Ce), can simultaneously measure the signals of gamma ray and thermal neutron, providing a new mean for gas...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPWLA 61st Annual Logging Symposium, June 24–July 29, 2020
Paper Number: SPWLA-5087
... machine learning well logging modeling predictor williston basin log analysis upstream oil & gas spwla 61 total porosity porosity inyan kara formation water management structural geology thickness gamma ray petrophysical approach reservoir characterization artificial...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPWLA 61st Annual Logging Symposium, June 24–July 29, 2020
Paper Number: SPWLA-5017
... shale histogram june 24 conglomerate classification fine sandstone july 29 symposium resistivity upstream oil & gas zonation sandstone algorithm image feature gamma ray zone boundary lithofacies variogram core data borehole image SPWLA 61st Annual Logging Symposium, June 24...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPWLA 61st Annual Logging Symposium, June 24–July 29, 2020
Paper Number: SPWLA-5040
.... First, well logs are corrected for tool and borehole effects (e.g. shoulder beds, laterolog vs. induction resistivity tools, LWD measurements, etc.) by running separate inversions. This step outputs layer-by-layer physical properties (e.g. resistivity, gamma ray, density, and neutron migration length...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPWLA 61st Annual Logging Symposium, June 24–July 29, 2020
Paper Number: SPWLA-5009
... and would be a natural fit for measuring chlorine concentration, if not for the fact that the spectrum contains chlorine gamma rays from both the formation and borehole. The borehole chlorine background can be large and is highly variable from well to well and along depth. Historical efforts to derive water...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPWLA 61st Annual Logging Symposium, June 24–July 29, 2020
Paper Number: SPWLA-5080
... upstream oil & gas porosity measurement new borehole-compensated neutron-gamma porosity measurement measurement sensitivity well logging borehole-compensated neutron-gamma porosity measurement optimized borehole effect spwla 61 neutron detector gamma ray july 29 neutron-gamma...

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