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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPWLA 59th Annual Logging Symposium, June 2–6, 2018
Paper Number: SPWLA-2018-R
... measurement boundary probability resistivity anisotropy resistivity measurement tool locate inversion dip angle interface SPWLA 59th Annual Logging Symposium, June 2-6, 2018 1 SENSITIVITY STUDY AND UNCERTAINTY QUANTIFICATION OF AZIMUTHAL PROPAGATION RESISTIVITY MEASUREMENTS Hanming Wang, Chevron...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPWLA 58th Annual Logging Symposium, June 17–21, 2017
Paper Number: SPWLA-2017-UUUU
... cross section saldungaray thermal neutron borehole Symposium log analysis detector fracture imaging gamma detector Upstream Oil & Gas Simulation China University dip angle fracture east china proppant petroleum SPWLA 58th Annual Logging Symposium, June 17-21, 2017 1 A NEW BOREHOLE...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPWLA 57th Annual Logging Symposium, June 25–29, 2016
Paper Number: SPWLA-2016-F
..., and it frequently underestimates the dip angle of steeply dipping beds below salt. Well logging data plays an instrumental role in constraining geological interpretation. In subsalt reservoirs in particular, integration of reliable log-derived structural dip is crucial when calibrating seismic-derived structural...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPWLA 55th Annual Logging Symposium, May 18–22, 2014
Paper Number: SPWLA-2014-EEEE
...SPWLA 55 th Annual Logging Symposium, May 18-22, 2014 1 USING NEW LWD MEASUREMENTS TO EVALUATE FORMATION RESISTIVITY ANISOTROPY AT ANY DIP ANGLE Shanjun Li, Jiefu Chen, and Tommy L. Binford Jr. Weatherford International, 16210 West Hardy Road, Houston, Texas Copyright 2014, held jointly...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPWLA 54th Annual Logging Symposium, June 22–26, 2013
Paper Number: SPWLA-2013-BBB
...SPWLA 54 th Annual Logging Symposium, June 22-26, 2013 - 1 - QUANTITATIVE STUDY OF NATURAL GAMMA RAY DEPTH OF IMAGE AND DIP ANGLE CALCULATIONS Jiaxin Wang, Cornelis Huiszoon, Libai Xu, Aaron Wheeler, Rick Lee, Robert Little and Allan Rennie PathFinder, a Schlumberger Company Copyright 2013, held...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPWLA 54th Annual Logging Symposium, June 22–26, 2013
Paper Number: SPWLA-2013-MMM
... Symposium limitation Upstream Oil & Gas sensitivity boundary dip angle anisotropy inversion resistivity tool resistivity relative dip SPWLA 54 th Annual Logging Symposium, June 22-26, 2013 1 LIMITATIONS OF RESISTIVITY ANISOTROPY INVERSION IN LWD APPLICATIONS Burkay Donderici, Hsu-Hsiang Wu...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPWLA 52nd Annual Logging Symposium, May 14–18, 2011
Paper Number: SPWLA-2011-OOO
... and dip angle images open up an entirely new way of analyzing image data and reveal hidden structures that are not readily apparent in the original image. This new image processing method is used to analyze resistivity image logs, and the results show dramatic new images that enhance the understanding...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPWLA 51st Annual Logging Symposium, June 19–23, 2010
Paper Number: SPWLA-2010-26011
... algorithm formation model well logging spwla 51 formation dip inversion dip angle log analysis directional measurement sensitivity resistivity tool anisotropy evaluation interpretation Drilling anisotropy measurement resistivity anisotropy inversion result Symposium resistivity SPWLA...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPWLA 51st Annual Logging Symposium, June 19–23, 2010
Paper Number: SPWLA-2010-81666
... density image algorithm borehole cross section cross section sinusoid dip calculation dip angle borehole image Symposium standard algorithm azimuth borehole trajectory SPWLA 51st Annual Logging Symposium, June 19-23, 2010 1 IMPROVED BOREHOLE IMAGE DIP CALCULATION IN IRREGULARLY SHAPED...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPWLA 50th Annual Logging Symposium, June 21–24, 2009
Paper Number: SPWLA-2009-13447
...-quadrant compensated densities by calculating their variance within a sliding window. Subsequently, a correlation algorithm calculates dip and azimuth from the density image. Depth shifts that vary azimuthally and depend on relative dip angle, together with the effective penetration length (EPL) of each...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPWLA 49th Annual Logging Symposium, May 25–28, 2008
Paper Number: SPWLA-2008-AAAA
... the apparent dip angle between borehole and formation beds first. The apparent dip angle is usually derived from an image log. However, in many situations, an image log may not be available due to various reasons, yet it is critical in interpreting the logs as well as in building a reliable reservoir model...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPWLA 49th Annual Logging Symposium, May 25–28, 2008
Paper Number: SPWLA-2008-ZZ
... for hydrocarbon production. log analysis resolution well logging Upstream Oil & Gas target azimuth sinusoid boundary spwla 49th calculation density depth investigation Symposium standoff relative dip angle borehole density image algorithm azimuth weighting function bed boundary...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPWLA 48th Annual Logging Symposium, June 3–6, 2007
Paper Number: SPWLA-2007-LL
... anisotropic media interaction dip angle Permeability Interpretation interpretation permeability Abstract The transient problem for formation tester pressure response in anisotropic media with flowline storage and skin at arbitrary dip, solved in exact, closed analytical form assuming ellipsoidal...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPWLA 48th Annual Logging Symposium, June 3–6, 2007
Paper Number: SPWLA-2007-NNN
... log analysis well logging Upstream Oil & Gas real time system calculation bed resistivity Symposium wellbore information apparent dip angle dip angle shoulder bed resistivity propagation resistivity measurement resistivity response bed boundary ohmm boundary resistivity...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPWLA 47th Annual Logging Symposium, June 4–7, 2006
Paper Number: SPWLA-2006-PPP
... tvd sensitivity shoulder-bed anisotropy dip angle well logging Simulation borehole quadrature field response radial length induction measurement receiver measurement profile Upstream Oil & Gas electrical anisotropy anisotropy apparent conductivity normal direction conductivity...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPWLA 47th Annual Logging Symposium, June 4–7, 2006
Paper Number: SPWLA-2006-AAA
... to a bed boundary on tool response in a horizontal well; The effects of azimuthal angles and relative dip angle of a bed boundary on tool response in a deviated well; The effect of the thin beds or "apparent anisotropy" in vertical vs. HA/HZ wells; The effect of cuttings on the bottom of an oval...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPWLA 47th Annual Logging Symposium, June 4–7, 2006
Paper Number: SPWLA-2006-KKK
... hydraulic fracturing laterolog reading plane fracture anisotropic medium Upstream Oil & Gas dual laterolog response fracture spwla 47 fracture dip fracture porosity University dip angle homogeneous anisotropic medium log analysis conductivity tensor porosity Symposium reservoir...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPWLA 47th Annual Logging Symposium, June 4–7, 2006
Paper Number: SPWLA-2006-QQQ
... borehole boundary Atlas wavelength Wang resistivity cross comp dip angle well logging ohmm certainty certainty conductivity Upstream Oil & Gas channel boundary resistivity anisotropy equation formation dip vertical resistivity Symposium azimuth anisotropic formation SPWLA 47th...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPWLA 42nd Annual Logging Symposium, June 17–20, 2001
Paper Number: SPWLA-2001-S
.... They concluded that, in principle, one could measure formation anisotropy using horizontal magnetic dipole sources with moments parallel to the bedding plane. In the low frequency approximation, the apparent resistivity, Ra, measured by a standard induction tool as a function of dip angle in an anisotropic...

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