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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPWLA 63rd Annual Logging Symposium, June 11–15, 2022
Paper Number: SPWLA-2022-0107
... oil & gas lithofacies identification identification algorithm reservoir characterization us government segmentation mudstone spwla 63 one-dimensional log resistivity image information lithofacies spwla-2022-0107 doi rd annual logging symposium SPWLA 63rd Annual Logging Symposium...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPWLA 63rd Annual Logging Symposium, June 11–15, 2022
Paper Number: SPWLA-2022-0111
... tools on synthetic data and the real data from the Troll field located in the North Sea, Norway. us government accuracy drilling measurement lwd calculation well trajectory boundary logging while drilling azimuthal resistivity lwd data spwla 63 rd annual logging symposium algorithm...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPWLA 63rd Annual Logging Symposium, June 11–15, 2022
Paper Number: SPWLA-2022-0053
... techniques. Higher operational efficiency versus other wireline formation testing systems also reduces energy consumption by more than 50% - thus also significantly contributing to a reduction of emissions. pressure transient analysis climate change sustainable development well logging us...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPWLA 63rd Annual Logging Symposium, June 11–15, 2022
Paper Number: SPWLA-2022-0085
.... well logging shale oil complex reservoir oil shale reservoir characterization shale gas structural geology quantification acquisition mode sensitivity porosity bone spring reservoir property log analysis us government upstream oil & gas annual logging symposium spwla 63 unc mode...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPWLA 61st Annual Logging Symposium, June 24–July 29, 2020
Paper Number: SPWLA-5037
... monitoring reservoir characterization well logging production logging pressure transient analysis complex reservoir log analysis us government pressure transient testing production control reservoir surveillance drillstem testing drillstem/well testing efficiency spwla 61 temperature gradient...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPWLA 60th Annual Logging Symposium, June 15–19, 2019
Paper Number: SPWLA-2019-VV
... interpretation method, accepted by the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM), enables the operator to complete pipe inspections quickly and to continue drilling with confidence. well logging casing and cementing cement and bond evaluation Upstream Oil & Gas log analysis US government...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPWLA 58th Annual Logging Symposium, June 17–21, 2017
Paper Number: SPWLA-2017-PPPP
... in inversion. log analysis target boundary geosignal dod distribution Upstream Oil & Gas gp signal receiver Symposium petrophysicist inversion spwla 58 well logging primary boundary sensitivity ga signal type iii tool resistivity tool US government information azimuthal...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPWLA 52nd Annual Logging Symposium, May 14–18, 2011
Paper Number: SPWLA-2011-KKK
... for high-energy electronically controlled photon generators is truly great if we can produce measurements of quality comparable to the traditional Cs-sourced tools, and if we can get them to work in the downhole environment. US government AmBe neutron well logging generator Upstream Oil...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPWLA 50th Annual Logging Symposium, June 21–24, 2009
Paper Number: SPWLA-2009-89070
... sources show promise as potential replacements for Am-Be sources in neutron well logging tools. US government MeV neutron well logging mev source porosity log analysis detector sensitivity Upstream Oil & Gas porosity measurement neutron porosity response clay mineral am-be source...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPWLA 35th Annual Logging Symposium, June 19–22, 1994
Paper Number: SPWLA-1994-CC
... log analysis Upstream Oil & Gas EndNote text file Anderson transaction publication prensky US government software computer index log analyst database program key word cd-rom product 1994. Society of Petrophysicists & Well Log Analysts ...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPWLA 31st Annual Logging Symposium, June 24–27, 1990
Paper Number: SPWLA-1990-P
... be estimated. production control production monitoring Reservoir Surveillance US government active listening Scatterer Upstream Oil & Gas flow rate spwla 31st amplitude fiberglass production logging flow signal particle difference signal electronics transducer frequency oxygen...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPWLA 28th Annual Logging Symposium, June 29–July 2, 1987
Paper Number: SPWLA-1987-PP
... Characterization hydraulic fracturing attenuation log analysis Upstream Oil & Gas vertical seismic profile US government permeable fracture well logging aperture tube-wave-amplitude attenuation investigation borehole ebr4 Paillet AnnualLoggingSymposium fracture permeability borehole fracture...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPWLA 26th Annual Logging Symposium, June 17–20, 1985
Paper Number: SPWLA-1985-R
... with IJSGS has been primarily as a well log analyst for underground nuclear weapons testing and evaluation of underground radioactive waste disposal sites, both at the Nevada Nuclear Test Site. - 18 - US government computer method well logging microsecond foot Upstream Oil & Gas correlation...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPWLA 26th Annual Logging Symposium, June 17–20, 1985
Paper Number: SPWLA-1985-JJJ
... on televiewer logs. All of these examples substantiate the theory that considerably more information is available in conventional televiewer logs than just fracture strike and dip. hydraulic fracturing natural fracture fracture characterization application US government orientation televiewer log...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPWLA 26th Annual Logging Symposium, June 17–20, 1985
Paper Number: SPWLA-1985-II
... results which compare favorably to independent estimates of fracture parameters. well logging orientation Reservoir Characterization Upstream Oil & Gas approximation Shothole assumption US government VSP survey borehole detection Symposium wave generation tube wave log analysis...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPWLA 26th Annual Logging Symposium, June 17–20, 1985
Paper Number: SPWLA-1985-S
... (uranium) content and from 0.46 to 19.6 ppm Th (thorium) content. Access to the pits for calibrating well logging equipment can be arranged by contacting the United States Geological Survey (phone number 303-236-5913) in Denver, Colorado. US government simulated fracture Upstream Oil & Gas...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPWLA 26th Annual Logging Symposium, June 17–20, 1985
Paper Number: SPWLA-1985-E
... magnetic signatures. Test stand experiments indicate that the probe is also capable of detecting strongly magnetized pods of ore that are narrowly missed by a borehole. US government log analysis orientation borehole magnetometer probe Reservoir Characterization Upstream Oil & Gas three...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPWLA 24th Annual Logging Symposium, June 27–30, 1983
Paper Number: SPWLA-1983-AA
... is determined. At present it appears to be more of a sampling problem related to the different model construction techniques, rather than a laboratory calibration problem. metals & mining Upstream Oil & Gas US government log analysis uranium grade gamma ray Symposium ore zone standard...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPWLA 22nd Annual Logging Symposium, June 23–26, 1981
Paper Number: SPWLA-1981-CC
.... Exploration for roll-type uranium deposits is one of several potential applications of this magnetic susceptibility measurement system. metals & mining Upstream Oil & Gas sensitivity log analysis magnetic susceptibility well-logging system US government variation well logging...

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