LAMIS1 is a computer-processed formation evaluation technique for sandstones. IAMIS1 is unique in that it treats laminated shale and dispersed clay as distinct entities--computing shale and clay quantities independently and continuously. In order to achieve maximum accuracy a knowledge of interstitial clay type must be obtained from cores, cuttings, etc. Other rock properties obtained from cores, such as lithology and saturation exponents, may be used in the program, thus making it a synergetic log-core evaluation system. Hydrocarbon effects are exactingly treated. The logging suite utilized by LAMIS1 includes resistivity, density, gamma ray, compensated neutron (optional), and flushed zone resistivity (Rxo-optional). The response equations for each log are given in their most accurate and rigorous form now known from the literature or from current experience. These resulting five nonlinear log response equations are then solved by an iterative technique somewhat similar to Newton-Rapheson. They are solved in terms of water saturation, flushed zone water saturation (Sxo), matrix porosity, volume of dispersed clay, and volume of laminated shale. These values are then expanded by empirical relationships into other petroleum engineering quantities such as net feet, permeability, and A. P. I. estimates of recoverable oil. Of course all terms in the log response equations other than the unknown and logged quantities themselves must be supplied by the analyst or program subroutines as input parameters. The analyst's skill in selecting these values, the absence of radioactive minerals, and good logs determine the success of the program. Verification techniques are incorporated in the program. LAMIS1 has been successfully used in Gulf Coast Pleistocene, Miocene, Hosston (Cretaceous), and Texas Woodbine sands. Several examples are given.
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A Synergetic Log And Core Analysis Program Using A Laminated Shale-Dispersed Clay Sandstone Model
Paper presented at the SPWLA 20th Annual Logging Symposium, Tulsa, Oklahoma, June 1979.
Paper Number:
June 03 1979
Haley, R.A. "A Synergetic Log And Core Analysis Program Using A Laminated Shale-Dispersed Clay Sandstone Model." Paper presented at the SPWLA 20th Annual Logging Symposium, Tulsa, Oklahoma, June 1979.
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