A new logging unit with an integrated system of surface instrumentation built around a computer allows digitally recorded logs to be merged, computed, and recorded on film at the wellsite. The SCHLUMBERGER CYBERLOOK wellsite computer processing utilizes the recently introduced " "Dual Water" interpretation model for reservoir analysis. This model considers a shaly, water-saturated formation to behave as if it contains two types of pore water: "clay water" near the surfaces of clay crystals and "far water" at a distance from the clay surfaces. The processing is designed so that all required input parameters can be accurately selected from a first-pass merge. The computations, corrected for shale and light-hydrocarbon effects, are presented on film in a format that is easily interpreted, allowing decisions to be made at the wellsite. Field experience has shown the processing to be very flexible, providing excellent results throughout North America in both sandstone and carbonate reservoirs.
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A Computer-Processed Wellsite Log Computation
John S. Gardner;
John S. Gardner
Schlumberger Well Services Inc.
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J.L. Dumanoir
J.L. Dumanoir
Schlumberger Well Services Inc.
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Paper presented at the SPWLA 19th Annual Logging Symposium, El Paso, Texas, June 1978.
Paper Number:
June 13 1978
Best, D.L., Gardner, John S., and J.L. Dumanoir. "A Computer-Processed Wellsite Log Computation." Paper presented at the SPWLA 19th Annual Logging Symposium, El Paso, Texas, June 1978.
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