The storage of gas underground is relatively new in certain parts of the country, and the problems involved are unique. Some of these problems can be solved through use of electrical wireline logging services. Information concerning the actual gas saturation, growth of the gas bubble, and leakage into thief zones can be obtained with a logging program of formation density logs and gamma ray-neutron logs. The selection of logging service(s) for observation is governed by the completion method. If the hole through the storage zone is uncased, a formation density log can be used to determine gas saturation. If casing is set through the storage zone, the neutron log is employed. Field examples of projects located in Illinois, Indiana, and Kentucky are used to illustrate the interpretation techniques.
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Logging Observation Wells In Gas Storage
T.E. Lovan, Jr.
T.E. Lovan, Jr.
Schlumberger Well Surveying Corporation
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Paper presented at the SPWLA 4th Annual Logging Symposium, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, May 1963.
Paper Number:
May 23 1963
Lovan, T.E. "Logging Observation Wells In Gas Storage." Paper presented at the SPWLA 4th Annual Logging Symposium, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, May 1963.
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