Oil production facilities are continuously being optimized in Saudi Aramco to further simplify the production operations, increase the system efficiency, reduce the operational cost and improve the separated oil recovery. A Gas Oil Separation Plant (GOSP) in Saudi Aramco oil field is a key facility that separates the produced oil from the production stream. Technical enhancement in this facility has reduced the loss of recoverable oil and thus improved the revenue.
New technology item such as None-Radio Active Source Multi-Phase Flow Meter (NRAS MPFM) is being introduced to enhance the well testing and monitoring and to help in getting better results for quicker remedial action and decision making. NRAS MPFM will eventually replace the Radio Active Source Multi-Phase Flow Meter (RAS MPFM) which has been utilized in oil and gas market previously.
Wells are tested with faster frequency and necessary steps are being taken to optimize the well production rates. This paper will illustrate the challenges and successes of testing oil producer wells using NRAS MPFM in series with the existing GOSP conventional High Pressure Test Trap separators (HPTT). Proper training and education of employee has increased the general awareness on oil wastage. Moreover, uninterrupted well flow is being made possible by regular maintenance and checks of surface facilities which has improved the safety of operation and reduced the downtime.