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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Western Regional Meeting, May 22–25, 2023
Paper Number: SPE-213051-MS
... Abstract A group of Alaskans formed a Workgroup in July 2022 to accelerate commercial carbon capture, use, and storage (CCUS) projects in the State of Alaska (State). The Workgroup’s mission is to attract new investments and create options that enable continued operation of carbon intensive...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Western Regional Meeting, April 23–27, 2017
Paper Number: SPE-185739-MS
... Abstract As exploratory work in Alaska moves beyond the known petroleum basins, new remote areas will be explored, where little sub surface data is available. This paper examines the overburden of Alaska, and develops a general relationship for determining overburden pressures based...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Western Regional Meeting, May 23–26, 2016
Paper Number: SPE-180399-MS
... in several research test boreholes around the world, including the North Slope, Alaska. In 2007 the Mt Elbert-1 borehole was drilled to evaluate NGH potential. An extensive well logging program was performed on this well allowing robust interpretation including comparison of evaluation techniques...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Western Regional Meeting, May 23–26, 2016
Paper Number: SPE-180443-MS
... Abstract Nikaitchuq is the largest single-stakeholder development on the North Slope of Alaska. It is a multiyear, very shallow extended-reach drilling (ERD) project with more than 50 wells drilled from two sites, one of which is an artificial gravel island, targeting Schrader Bluff sands...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Western Regional Meeting, May 23–26, 2016
Paper Number: SPE-180476-MS
.... production monitoring Reservoir Surveillance flow assurance production control Modeling & Simulation EBGF drillstem/well testing savik 2 savik 1 hydrate dissociation Drilling Drillstem Testing technical report mechanism water influx gas field Alaska Upstream Oil & Gas gas production...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Western Regional Meeting, May 23–26, 2016
Paper Number: SPE-180433-MS
... completion design is the product of targeting multiple formation layers from a single wellbore by use of open-hole horizontals with slotted liners. The rotatable, multi-lateral junction system has evolved since the first successful installation on Alaska's North Slope in 2007; it accommodates the increased...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Western Regional Meeting, April 27–30, 2015
Paper Number: SPE-174036-MS
... Abstract Situated on the central North Slope of Alaska along the Coleville River, Umiat is one of the most frigid places on Earth. The target reservoir, the Lower Grandstand, lies at an average depth of just 470 ft below ground level and is one of the largest untapped oil fields in Alaska...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Western Regional & AAPG Pacific Section Meeting 2013 Joint Technical Conference, April 19–25, 2013
Paper Number: SPE-165335-MS
... Abstract Umiat field is located in the North Slope, Alaska where most oil reserves are within the permafrost. The formation temperature is around 20°F and thus frozen filtrate is a crucial issue in formation damage. Frozen filtrate can form an impermeable barrier to oil flow and maximize...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Western North American Region Meeting, May 7–11, 2011
Paper Number: SPE-144358-MS
... fluid phase behavior and accurately model the reservoir performance. This study involved both laboratory experiments and reservoir simulation to investigate the effect of the phase behavior of the oil-CO2 system on the recovery of the Alaska North Slope viscous oils. The laboratory experiments includes...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Western North American Region Meeting, May 7–11, 2011
Paper Number: SPE-144573-MS
..., the component that fails most frequently. ConocoPhillips Alaska, Inc. (CPAI) developed TTCESP technology to replace failed pumps raidly and economically. In this system, a rig conventionally deploys the electric cable, motor, and seal sections, with a special latching device for the pump. The pump is pulled...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Western Regional Meeting, March 24–26, 2009
Paper Number: SPE-120174-MS
... of California's imports are from Alaska, the rest from foreign sources including Saudi Arabia, Ecuador and Iraq. Before foreign sources became so important, California's refining industry processed California's own crudes and Alaska's North Slope crude. Like those crudes, oil from northern Saudi Arabia, southeast...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Western Regional/AAPG Pacific Section/GSA Cordilleran Section Joint Meeting, May 8–10, 2006
Paper Number: SPE-100432-MS
... corrosion cell. Abstract Recently, a number of external casing failures on a group of relatively new wells in the Kuparuk field of Alaska prompted an investigation into the cause. The investigation determined that external surface casing corrosion failures had occurred near the top of the casing...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Western Regional/AAPG Pacific Section/GSA Cordilleran Section Joint Meeting, May 8–10, 2006
Paper Number: SPE-100607-MS
... Abstract Alaska's North Slope and the United Kingdom North Sea were petroleum frontiers in the truest sense around 1960 when industry gained access to both areas. Exploration of these two petroleum provinces progressed almost simultaneously with both emerging as significant sources of oil...

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