Fracture stimulation characteristics were measured and studied for changing behavior over a 6 month period using pressure buildup tests conducted on a Prudhoe Bay well. The suite of pressure tests included a pre-frac buildup, and two post-frac buildups at six month intervals following the fracture stimulation treatment. Pre-frac analysis exhibited radial composite characteristics consistent with other Prudhoe Bay well test analysis. Post-frac analysis showed the fracture length and conductivity to decrease over a six month period. Corroborating the well test results, production from this well decreased more rapidly than expected. Numerical simulation confirmed the results. Data acquisition pertinent to a successful well test analysis is discussed.
A composite model (two concentric rings) with permeability increasing radially outward was used in the pre-frac test. A vertical fracture was incorporated into the composite model in the post-frac tests. If a pre-frac buildup was not conducted, the post-frac analysis would be highly speculative, because the pre-frac results were not a homogenous response. Fracture length and conductivity decreased between the two post-frac tests. Additionally, the fracture face skin increased slightly. As result, a component to the rapid decrease in production rate could be explained by the deterioration of the fracture length and conductivity.
Pressure buildup technology through effective design, application, and analysis, proved a viable method of monitoring fracture stimulation performance.
Accurate rate history is equally as important as the pressure-time data most generally associated with buildup analysis.
Analytical representation of a vertical fracture in a composite system can be adequately modeled with pseudo-boundaries.
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