We present in this paper a complete set of theoretical models and systematic techniques for comprehensive evaluation and decision-making analysis of oil well production operation methods (POMs). They are the key components of production engineering project scheme for a reservoir block unit. As a systematic approch, our models and techniques take the reservoir geological research, reservoir engineering design, and development and production conditions as the basis, the whole reservoir or block unit as the research object (not a well only), the performance simulations of oil well production under development as the core, use the concepts of system engineering, and consider comprehensively various restricted conditions.
The main content in our techniques cover (1) a set of theoretical models for comprehensive evaluation and decision-making analysis of oil well POMs; (2) an oil well production performance simulator of every POM under various developing phases and a computation modle for technological and economical indeces; (3) an application of three-stage fuzzy-math judgement in the evaluation and analysis of POM; (4) a complete set of commertial computer softwares.
Through the practical applications of three re-References and illustrations at end of paper, presentive reservoirs in China's ZhongYuan, ShengLi and Dagang oilfields, the paper gives a detailed description of procedures of our models and techniques.