Experimental and theoretical study on the gas-liquid stratified flow are conducted under changing parameters such as gas and liquid velocities, and also fluid properties like liquid viscosity and gas density. New acquired experimental data and modified Taitel and Dukler model (1976) with new closure relationship for interfacial friction factor appropriately demonstrate the effect of varying these parameters on liquid holdup.
In this study, the data are acquired from two distinct experimental facilities, including the well flow loop of the Institute for Energiteknik (IFE) as well as multiphase flow loop at Tulsa University Technology Separation (TUSTP). Both loops are constructed from pipes with a 0.097 m ID, where the loop lengths are different. Utilization of the two loops is resulted a collection of experimental data, where water (0.001 Pa·s and 0.005 Pa·s PAC) and mineral oil (0.033 and 0.12 Pa·s) are used as liquid phase, and air and SF6 (ρ = 24 kg/m3) are used as the gas phase. Values of the gas and liquid velocities are selected to ensure that stratified flow occurs along the pipe.
The acquired experimental data on the liquid holdup reveal that the liquid holdup increases with decreasing the superficial gas velocity at constant superficial liquid velocity. Also the data show that the liquid holdup reduces with decrease in the liquid viscosity and increase in the gas density. Taitel and Dukler (1976) model with different definitions for interfacial friction factors are compared with experimental data. The comparisons confirm that none of the closure relationships are appropriate for prediction of liquid holdup under a wide range of the experimental conditions. Thus, a new closure relationship for the interfacial friction factor is suggested.