The problem of scale deposition in oil wells, gas wells, surface production equipment, and also the scale deposition in the flow lines, has presented a challenge to the petroleum industry since the first wells were drilled more than one hundred years ago. Although scale deposition is a major problem that interferes with the production of oil and gas, it is not the only large problem. There is the second problem concerning the treatment and removal action of scale deposits, which greatly adds to the overall cost of oil and gas production. These two problems often make marginal wells uneconomical. The petroleum industry has long sought more effective ways of dealing with this problem and the historical treatment methodologies remain relatively unchanged. Significantly, these alternatives merely inhibit, but do not prevent the precipitation and deposition of scale. Therefore, producers and operators must endure the ongoing operating costs and problems associated with these control methods in order to continue producing, transporting and processing their scale-infected oil and gas wells. Magnetic technology that prevents scale deposition in oil and gas wells will reduce well operating expenses which is important when considering the large number of low volume stripper wells, both offshore and onshore, in the United States that could benefit from this technology. Magnetic technology will also benefit the petrochemical, paper, food processing, mining, electrochemical, pharmaceutical, electronic, biochemical, metallurgical, nanotechnology, and all the other industries where water is used in the processing of products.