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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Asia Pacific Unconventional Resources Conference and Exhibition, November 9–11, 2015
Paper Number: SPE-176906-MS
... injected for 5days followed by a same period of clean-up and gas production, the difference is one model has microwave heater while the other not. The effects of microwave heating on water saturation and relative permeability to gas were made between two scenarios of gas production with heating and without...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Asia Pacific Unconventional Resources Conference and Exhibition, November 9–11, 2015
Paper Number: SPE-177021-MS
.... The effects of contact angle on capillary pressure and relative permeabilities have been included. The new model is validated using experimental data. Applications to fully and partially treated regimes show the competition between viscous and capillary effects on productivity of gas and water, which leads...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Unconventional Resources Conference and Exhibition-Asia Pacific, November 11–13, 2013
Paper Number: SPE-167005-MS
... permeability simulation model recovery CBM reservoir society of petroleum engineers information spe 167005 workflow estimator point Upstream Oil & Gas relative permeability sweet spot operator reservoir characterization Introduction Coalbed methane (CBM) is well recognised...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Unconventional Resources Conference and Exhibition-Asia Pacific, November 11–13, 2013
Paper Number: SPE-167023-MS
... drillstem/well testing post-shutdown recovery behavior water rate shutdown duration horizontal coalbed methane well gas rate shutdown Bowen Basin production monitoring coal seam gas Upstream Oil & Gas water level relative permeability CBM Well Reservoir Surveillance permeability society...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Unconventional Resources Conference and Exhibition-Asia Pacific, November 11–13, 2013
Paper Number: SPE-166992-MS
.... log analysis calculation porosity relaxation time well logging correlation relaxation texture shale reservoir relative permeability effective porosity Upstream Oil & Gas NMR measurement presentation molecule magnetic resonance unconventional reservoir permeability reservoir...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Unconventional Resources Conference and Exhibition-Asia Pacific, November 11–13, 2013
Paper Number: SPE-166995-MS
... Puri et al . (1991) found that only whole coal core samples with a minimum diameter of 2-inches are suitable for making permeability, relative permeability, cleat porosity, and irreducible water saturation measurements as a smaller core about 1-inch in diameter would not have enough cleating...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Unconventional Resources Conference and Exhibition-Asia Pacific, November 11–13, 2013
Paper Number: SPE-167076-MS
... Upstream Oil & Gas gas rate relative permeability well deliverability history saturation derivative plot Coal Measure boundary permeability result Surat Basin History gas content flow regime reservoir arrow energy production data Material Balance coal reservoir permeability...

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