Gas shales act as both the source rock and reservoir for the petroleum. One of the important characteristics of the reservoir is its low permeability, making gas production difficult. Although economic shale gas production has been achieved through horizontal drilling and multistage hydraulic fracturing, shale reservoir permeability is still one of the critical parameters in the evaluation of a shale gas play. In the present work, experimental measurement of shale anisotropic permeability is determined using a cubic shale sample in a triaxial cell. Anisotropic permeability was measured at a series of gas pressures and confining pressures. A permeability model incorporating stress and Klinkenberg effect was applied to describe the data. The model was applied in the reservoir simulator SIMED IITM to investigate the impact of anisotropic permeability and its change on shale gas production. Results are compared between using the vertical permeability, horizontal permeability, or anisotropic permeability as the reservoir permeability. The results show that using vertical permeability will significantly underestimate the gas production rate. This demonstrates that measuring directional permeability and using the most appropriate one is important for evaluating shale gas production and development of shale gas assets.