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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE/CSUR Unconventional Resources Conference, October 20–22, 2015
Paper Number: SPE-175903-MS
... coal bed methane Modeling & Simulation Upstream Oil & Gas coal seam gas Nexen deisman shrinkage complex reservoir pore pressure international journal Chalaturnyk coalbed methane water rate gas desorption effective stress permeability permeability rebound permeability multiplier...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE/CSUR Unconventional Resources Conference, October 20–22, 2015
Paper Number: SPE-175919-MS
... experiments have been conducted on four shale samples using methane and nitrogen as flowing fluid. At each stage, mean pressure and mean effective stress is held constant and permeability is measured at various gas flow rates. Mean pressure is then raised and the tests are repeated at the next stage...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE/CSUR Unconventional Resources Conference – Canada, September 30–October 2, 2014
Paper Number: SPE-171572-MS
... computing, is used to simulate the permeability tensor inside the fracture. Significant proppant embedment is observed in the sandstone rock when the effective stress is increased to 4,200 psi. Consequently, fracture porosity is reduced by nearly 70%, and permeability is reduced by two orders of magnitude...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE/CSUR Unconventional Resources Conference – Canada, September 30–October 2, 2014
Paper Number: SPE-171633-MS
... higher than pulse-decay (1.6·10 -5 - 9·10 -4 mD) and crushed-rock (1.1·10 -6 - 5.4·10 -5 mD) permeability values. Corrected profile (probe) permeability values for "in-situ" effective stress (5.3·10 -5 - 1·10 -3 mD) are, however, comparable with the pulse-decay (1.6·10 -5 - 9·10 -4 mD...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Unconventional Resources Conference Canada, November 5–7, 2013
Paper Number: SPE-167123-MS
... hydraulic fracturing flow in porous media aperture Tran maximum aperture secondary crack aperture profile tensile stress leakoff Fluid Dynamics fracture aperture effective stress hydraulic fracture Reservoir Characterization complex reservoir secondary crack occur boundary condition...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Unconventional Resources Conference Canada, November 5–7, 2013
Paper Number: SPE-167155-MS
... strength water content fresh water fracture face drilling fluid complex reservoir gas production shale mechanical property gas shale hydraulic fracture fracture boundary condition instability shale failure Gomez effective stress primary fracture shale sample interaction stress change...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Unconventional Resources Conference Canada, November 5–7, 2013
Paper Number: SPE-167130-MS
... fractures during a hydraulic fracture stimulation, largely through a reduction in the effective stresses acting on the natural fractures. Simply, the greater the initial in-situ pressure relative to the in-situ principal stresses, the greater the shear on natural fractures for a given stimulation treatment...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Unconventional Resources Conference Canada, November 5–7, 2013
Paper Number: SPE-167249-MS
... of the underburden have modest effects on the value of effective stresses in the caprock, while variations in Young’s modulus and the thermal expansion coefficient can significantly influence these stresses and the potential for tensile fracturing in the caprock. Sensitivity analyses also show that injection of CO 2...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Canadian Unconventional Resources Conference, October 30–November 1, 2012
Paper Number: SPE-162701-MS
... injection geomechanics polymer flooding effective stress stress change oil recovery upstream oil & gas porosity fluid flow injection rate reservoir enhanced recovery shear failure experimental study flooding fracture permeability Introduction Developing EOR schemes involves high...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Canadian Unconventional Resources Conference, October 30–November 1, 2012
Paper Number: SPE-162793-MS
... ) or displacement discontinuity methods ( Tao et al., 2009 ). The approach considered in this study assumes that the nature of the creation/enhancement of fracture system can be represented by pseudo-continuum with dynamically changing permeability (as a tensor) as a function of effective stress. The matrix...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Canadian Unconventional Resources Conference, October 30–November 1, 2012
Paper Number: SPE-162651-MS
.... Different phenomena affecting the magnitude of fracture width are easily examined, such as the presence or absence of leak-off, isothermal or non-isothermal fracturing as well as initial effective stress in the formation. Results show that the fracture width continuously decays with time due to the effect...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Canadian Unconventional Resources Conference, November 15–17, 2011
Paper Number: SPE-147597-MS
... productivity. reservoir characterization well logging reservoir geomechanics shale gas log analysis wellbore design closure stress mechanical property complex reservoir variation perforation cluster completion installation and operations upstream oil & gas borehole effective stress...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Canadian Unconventional Resources Conference, November 15–17, 2011
Paper Number: SPE-148886-MS
..., such as minimum principal effective stress, shear stress level, factor of safety and surface displacement are presented. A summary of the post-failure analyses of caprock containment at the Joslyn Creek SAGD project is presented. reservoir geomechanics caprock sagd operation operation reservoir...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Canadian Unconventional Resources Conference, November 15–17, 2011
Paper Number: SPE-149331-MS
... in the micro-Darcy range. Lab experiments indicate permeability is also a function of the changing effective stress. Effective stress increases and permeability decreases as production occurs. A coupled geomechanical/reservoir study was performed after 400 days of production history in order to match behavior...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Canadian Unconventional Resources Conference, November 15–17, 2011
Paper Number: SPE-149004-MS
... fluid flows. reservoir geomechanics csug spe 149004 uniaxial deformation nonpay zone flow in porous media compressibility boundary condition fluid flow Upstream Oil & Gas porous medium fluid pressure effective stress Reservoir Characterization Fluid Dynamics fluid model boundary...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Canadian Unconventional Resources and International Petroleum Conference, October 19–21, 2010
Paper Number: SPE-137656-MS
... and decreasing effective stress. Besides, the geometry of fractures induced by viscous fluids in an unconsolidated formation is a dominantly planar fracture, although it is very tortuous. In view of isotropic stress in the horizontal plane, multiple fractures were induced in several directions. polymer...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Canadian Unconventional Resources and International Petroleum Conference, October 19–21, 2010
Paper Number: SPE-137924-MS
..., geological and geophysical mapping and production data. The information was compiled and analyzed in order to determine the major controls on gas production rates. coal seam thickness variation permeability thickness production rate exposure orientation coal bed methane effective stress...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Canadian Unconventional Resources and International Petroleum Conference, October 19–21, 2010
Paper Number: SPE-138148-MS
... measured on crushed samples of cores or cuttings at ambient pressure although many studies have shown that the porosity and permeability of reservoirs rocks decrease with increasing effective stress, and thus the pore volume/porosity measured on crushed samples at ambient (zero stress) conditions...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Canadian Unconventional Resources and International Petroleum Conference, October 19–21, 2010
Paper Number: SPE-138160-MS
... on the two assumptions. Application of the simulation results may provide a justification for exploration into deeper CBM reservoirs. cbm production upstream oil & gas cleat system colorado school permeability value pore pressure effective stress csug spe 138160 coal seam gas permeability...

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