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Keywords: hydraulic fracturing
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Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)
Paper presented at the SPE/EAGE European Unconventional Resources Conference and Exhibition, February 25–27, 2014
Paper Number: SPE-167674-MS
..., proration, reasonable production system in shale gas reservoir development and how desorption affect production of fractured horizontal shale gas wells. Upstream Oil & Gas hydraulic fracturing complex reservoir shale gas reservoir gas flow fracture society of petroleum engineers...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)
Paper presented at the SPE/EAGE European Unconventional Resources Conference and Exhibition, February 25–27, 2014
Paper Number: SPE-167676-MS
... microseismicity and hydraulic fractures: some believe microseismic events are part of the hydraulic fractures, some believe they are resulting from stress changes and fluid leak-off. Microseismic datasets with accurate event locations complemented with source mechanisms lead us to a new level of understanding...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)
Paper presented at the SPE/EAGE European Unconventional Resources Conference and Exhibition, February 25–27, 2014
Paper Number: SPE-167716-MS
... Abstract This paper presents a mathematical integration process through which all of the important useful information and data related to stimulated rock are properly extracted and embedded so that the total effects of the hydraulic fracturing stimulation are properly presented...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)
Paper presented at the SPE/EAGE European Unconventional Resources Conference and Exhibition, February 25–27, 2014
Paper Number: SPE-167685-MS
... during the hydraulic fracturing of 17 wells in the Marcellus Shale. The processed results were used to conduct a multi-disciplinary study integrating geology, geomechanics, reservoir and completion engineering, and ultimately, production data. A stress inversion from focal mechanisms was performed...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)
Paper presented at the SPE/EAGE European Unconventional Resources Conference and Exhibition, February 25–27, 2014
Paper Number: SPE-167692-MS
.... complex reservoir orientation property quality shale property quality shale gas drilling operation lateral stegent operator Directional Drilling lateral length shale play proppant hydraulic fracturing fluid system Upstream Oil & Gas study area conductivity fracture Standard...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)
Paper presented at the SPE/EAGE European Unconventional Resources Conference and Exhibition, February 25–27, 2014
Paper Number: SPE-167708-MS
... Drilling lateral hydraulic fracturing unconventional resource economics Energy Economics Upstream Oil & Gas Simulation optimization workflow operator perforation cluster Production analysis probable value permeability eur prediction perforation cluster open workflow reservoir Scenario...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)
Paper presented at the SPE/EAGE European Unconventional Resources Conference and Exhibition, February 25–27, 2014
Paper Number: SPE-167698-MS
... Abstract Driven by field logistics in an unconventional setting, a well may undergo weeks to months of shut-in following hydraulic-fracture stimulation. In unconventional reservoirs, field experiences indicate that such shut-in episodes may improve well productivity significantly while reducing...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)
Paper presented at the SPE/EAGE European Unconventional Resources Conference and Exhibition, February 25–27, 2014
Paper Number: SPE-167690-MS
... Abstract This paper discusses the hydraulic fracturing (HF) treatment of a tight gas well owned by a major power service company in India. The objective was to perform a HF treatment on the openhole (OH) section to assess the reservoir potential for future development work. The success...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)
Paper presented at the SPE/EAGE European Unconventional Resources Conference and Exhibition, February 25–27, 2014
Paper Number: SPE-167707-MS
... control Argentina tight reservoir reservoir rock hydraulic fracturing horizontal stress anisotropy conventional reservoir Neuquen Basin well type permeability structural condition Mosquera reservoir geomechanics source rock neuquén basin strike-slip stress condition reservoir society...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)
Paper presented at the SPE/EAGE European Unconventional Resources Conference and Exhibition, February 25–27, 2014
Paper Number: SPE-167735-MS
... be met if reserves are proved (reservoir quality) and producible (completion quality). With the reservoir quality identified, improved productivity in ultra-low-permeability unconventional reservoirs requires extensive hydraulic fracturing treatment to maximize contact area and unlock resources. North...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)
Paper presented at the SPE/EAGE European Unconventional Resources Conference and Exhibition, February 25–27, 2014
Paper Number: SPE-167730-MS
... Abstract The selection of favorable well /layer and the hydraulic fracturing strategy are all based on the rock brittleness in shale gas. Two main methods of evaluation the brittleness of rock have been widely used in field. One is based on the Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio, and the other...
Proceedings Papers
Modeling Transportation Logistics, Water Use, and Surface Footprint for Shale Gas Field Developments
Publisher: Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)
Paper presented at the SPE/EAGE European Unconventional Resources Conference and Exhibition, February 25–27, 2014
Paper Number: SPE-167697-MS
... solutions can be assessed and optimized. Also, limitations of System Dynamics for that kind of simulation are pointed out, and it is shown how to solve the problem with an Agent Based Modeling approach. hydraulic fracturing field development Thonhauser shale gas Upstream Oil & Gas complex...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)
Paper presented at the SPE/EAGE European Unconventional Resources Conference and Exhibition, February 25–27, 2014
Paper Number: SPE-167711-MS
... and understand the critical parameters that affect gas recovery. Specifically, we consider the flow behavior in a stimulated reservoir volume (SRV) including a tight matrix and multi-scale fracture networks, namely primary hydraulic fractures, induced secondary fractures and micro-fractures. The feasibility...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)
Paper presented at the SPE/EAGE European Unconventional Resources Conference and Exhibition, February 25–27, 2014
Paper Number: SPE-167738-MS
... Abstract The tight-carbonate gas reservoir of Onshore Abu Dhabi, UAE, is characterized by having alternating thin and dense reservoir and none-reservoir units, where hydraulic fracturing is the most effective way to increase the productivity by creating the maximal areal contact...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)
Paper presented at the SPE/EAGE European Unconventional Resources Conference and Exhibition, February 25–27, 2014
Paper Number: SPE-167713-MS
... Abstract The combined application of multi-lateral horizontal drilling and multi-stage hydraulic fracturing has successfully unlocked unconventional tight hydrocarbon reservoirs. However, the field data show that only a fraction of the large water volume used in hydraulic fracturing treatments...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)
Paper presented at the SPE/EAGE European Unconventional Resources Conference and Exhibition, February 25–27, 2014
Paper Number: SPE-167790-MS
... Abstract Minifrac/diagnostic fracture injection tests (DFITs) are an important and integral part of hydraulic fracture design and reservoir evaluation. Models for analysis of the before and after closure data have been developed. While several models exist and are being used to analyze...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)
Paper presented at the SPE/EAGE European Unconventional Resources Conference and Exhibition, February 25–27, 2014
Paper Number: SPE-167786-MS
... Abstract Most conventional and unconventional reservoirs use viscous fluid systems for hydraulic fracturing for various reasons, such as good proppant transport, less fluid loss, less pumping friction pressure, etc. Salt is often introduced as part of the fluid system for clay protection...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)
Paper presented at the SPE/EAGE European Unconventional Resources Conference and Exhibition, February 25–27, 2014
Paper Number: SPE-167767-MS
... horizontal well bottom hole pressure stability borehole stability hydraulic fracturing Introduction Kinds of fractures developed in the coal seam. The fractures can be classified into cleats and buildup fractures. They may easily extend when drilling. Cleat commonly exist in coal, the natural...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)
Paper presented at the SPE/EAGE European Unconventional Resources Conference and Exhibition, February 25–27, 2014
Paper Number: SPE-167791-MS
... will indicate that these three new frac sleeves technologies can be used to optimize hydraulic fracturing operations in both horsepower and stimulated reservoir volume while dramatically reducing overall completion costs. Upstream Oil & Gas completion unlimited multistage operation multistage...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)
Paper presented at the SPE/EAGE European Unconventional Resources Conference and Exhibition, February 25–27, 2014
Paper Number: SPE-167796-MS
... rules and regulations. Study results indicate that economical shale gas development would be feasible in The Netherlands under the applied working assumptions. hydraulic fracturing production location complex reservoir Netherlands shale gas lutgert shale gas development spe 167796...