This paper summarizes the work performed by EBN together with NuTech Energy Alliance for the Netherlands regional study, which aims to address the underexplored pay potential covering both onshore and offshore Netherlands. The paper provides the technical proceedures involved and the usage of available public domain well data for the Netherlands regional field study in order to fulfill the study's two main objectives. First main objective being to identify and analyze the shale play opportunities in unconventional reservoirs of the Lower Jurassic Posidonia Formation and the Namurian Geverik member as well as other shale & marl sections in the area. The second objective is to identify bypassed hydrocarbon opportunities in conventional reservoir sections through onshore and offshore Netherlands.
The Netherlands regional study provides insight into reservoir potential, geological and petrophysical properties of all formations based on innovative petrophysical well data analysis that were applied to 116 representative wells across the area.