Quality and productivity of tight formations are heavily dependent on the degree of fracture development. In fact, hard and dense carbonate formations may not be considered as net pay without presence of fractures which conduct fluids towards wellbore. The evaluation of fractures is a key to reservoir effectiveness characterization for well drilling, completion, development and simulation of fractured reservoirs. Although new imaging technologies such as Formation Micro-Scanners and Imagers (FMS and FMI) provide the information of fracture properties (dip angle, porosity, aperture and permeability), image logs are very expensive and cannot be available in all wells. In this paper, fracture parameters are estimated using conventional Dual Laterolog (DLL) resistivity, which includes shallow (LLS) and deep (LLD) responses. This technique is based on electrical resistivity anomalies because of separation of shallow and deep laterolog curves. Fracture parameters that can be calculated by DLL include dip angle, aperture, porosity, permeability and cementation factor. The accuracy of the calculated parameters using DLL is validated by the results of FMI in one well in one of Iranian fractured reservoirs. Despite the image logs, the conventional DLL is routinely run in all of the drilled wells. This makes the constructed fracture model on the basis of DLLs more reliable than the corresponding model founded on limited and insufficient image logs. Furthermore, DLL has an advantage of much deeper evaluation of fractures in comparison with the immediate borehole investigation of image logs.