In 2011, Petroleum Development Oman LLC (PDO) drilled a deep tight gas well to test the Amin formation in northern Oman. Hydraulic fracture stimulation is necessary for production from this tight unconventional reservoir. In order to better understand and evaluate the hydraulic fracture treatment, a 3-component (3C), 8-level borehole seismic array was deployed in a nearby well for hydraulic fracture monitoring. Due to high bottom-hole temperature (BHT) of 175 º C, operational procedures were developed to successfully acquire Microseismic events generated by the hydraulic stimulation. Anisotropic velocity model calibration and sensors orientation were the key factor in the accurate location of Microseismic events in 3D space. Integration of the Microseismic event locations with hydraulic fracture pumping data, prior and post job logs lead to a successful interpretation of the Microseismic results.