The application of coupled horizontal wells and the multistage fracturing technology to shale formations makes it viable to develop such hydrocarbon resources. In this paper, we focus on the water saturation distribution within hydraulic fractures and the uncertainty of water saturation distribution of the matrix around the hydraulic fractures resulted from fluid injection during a fracking process.
Arp's decline curve is introduced to depict initial water saturation distribution within the hydraulic fractures. Through modifying the decline index, it is easy to obtain a range of initial water saturation decline patterns which will lead to different water production profiles. Typical decline patterns such as linear, exponential, harmonic, and hyperbolic declines are used. As for the initial water saturation distribution of the matrix around the hydraulic fractures, the Stimulated Reservoir Volume (SRV) concept is implemented to identify the matrix region.
Through reservoir simulations, we find that the initial water saturation within the hydraulic fractures mainly contributes to the early water production. Various saturation distribution models result in about 25% differences in the total water production. On the other hand, a leak-off effect, which increases the initial water saturation of the matrix around the hydraulic fractures, contributes to the long term water production. This study provides insights about the uncertainty of water production during the development of shale gas reservoirs and guidelines for the history matching of water production rates.