A reservoir management strategy is presented, based on a pressure-production behavior analysis, which was carried out using data from a Llanos Basin’s field in Colombia, applying the concept of Darcy’s Law and Babu-Odeh Equation for vertical- deviated and horizontal wells respectively. The analysis can be applied on dead oil reservoirs (Pres > Pb) providing a surveillance tool for making right decisions regarding the drawdown application as the well is produced, and thus maximizing the recovery factor.

The methodology allows the estimation of the dynamic evolution of skin factor, pressure drawdown and water saturation by well, which are related as well to variables such as water cut (Wcut) and Pwf for an easy handling and understanding of the field for geoscientists, reservoir and production engineers.

This methodology could be applied without the necessity to build a previous simulation model, but in this case a simulation model was carried out, in order to validate the input data, obtaining a good history match. As a result of this, the methodology and numerical simulation model are complementary themselves.

For this case, it was possible to define the proper/wrong application of drawdown increments that improve/reduce (mainly because of sanding) the productivity of vertical, deviated and horizontal wells for specific ranges of water cut.

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