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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Annual Technical Symposium and Exhibition, April 23–26, 2018
Paper Number: SPE-192403-MS
... and modified polymerization, the long chain molecules of the polymer molecule will have certain chemical interactions with the surfactant. This action will affect the properties of the aqueous solution and make the aqueous solution of the compound system thickened. As the concentration of the modified...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Annual Technical Symposium and Exhibition, April 23–26, 2018
Paper Number: SPE-192386-MS
... absorbance of guar was utilized to determine the adsorption capacity of guar on adsorbent and quantitatively demonstrate the adsorption properties of guar in the reservoir. Finally, the effect of pH, temperature, salts, alcohols and polymers was studied in order to select the condition in favor of reducing...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Annual Technical Symposium and Exhibition, April 23–26, 2018
Paper Number: SPE-192385-MS
... Oilfield and CNOOC Oilfield, and brought significant economic benefits.( Zheng et al., 2015 ; Meng et al., 2012 ) Amphiphilic polymers synthesized and applied in oilfield are prepared by micellar polymerization which is based on free radical initiated reaction. The products are usually mixtures...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Annual Technical Symposium and Exhibition, April 23–26, 2018
Paper Number: SPE-192437-MS
... Abstract Polymer flooding has been widely applied through past decades to increase oil recovery after waterflood. Water-soluble polymers are used to increase the viscosity of injected water that is a requirement for better sweep efficiency, but accelerated production due to polymer flooding may...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Annual Technical Symposium and Exhibition, April 23–26, 2018
Paper Number: SPE-192444-MS
... Abstract The recovery factor of surfactant/polymer binary flooding field test in conglomerate reservoir is 14.6% now and it will reach to 18% by prediction. Nevertheless, it has not achieved good results in the early stage. Conglomerate reservoir is more complex and special. The method used...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Annual Technical Symposium and Exhibition, April 23–26, 2018
Paper Number: SPE-192149-MS
... Polymer flooding reduced mobility ratio as compared to conventional water flooding, making it easier for oil displacement, thereby improving the volumertric sweep efficiency. To avoid a sharp viscosity contrast with the chase water, generally large slugs of polymers with viscositites tapered...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Annual Technical Symposium and Exhibition, April 23–26, 2018
Paper Number: SPE-192165-MS
... Abstract Polyacrylamide-type polymers are widely used in polymer flooding techniques for mobility control. To monitor the performance of a polymer flooding process in either field application or laboratory testing, it requires the accurate determination of polymer concentrations...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Annual Technical Symposium and Exhibition, April 23–26, 2018
Paper Number: SPE-192243-MS
... mobility of water and gas. Therefore, there is an underlying need for improving recovery through a suitable chemical enhanced oil recovery (EOR) method. After investigating the feasibility of alkaline, polymer, surfactant, surfactant-polymer, alkaline-polymer and alkaline-surfactant-polymer (ASP) flood...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Annual Technical Symposium and Exhibition, April 23–26, 2018
Paper Number: SPE-192275-MS
... of the crosslinked gel using seawater. Results confirmed that a dual-crosslinked seawater-based fracturing fluid stability was feasible, as viscosity remained greater than 500 cP for two hours. Freshwater-based fracturing fluid displayed longer gel stability primarily because of a lack of salts that hinder polymer...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Annual Technical Symposium and Exhibition, April 23–26, 2018
Paper Number: SPE-192260-MS
... at room temp. ➢ Filter and Dry at 80°C This operation will add hydroxyl group to the HGMs surfaces thus enhance the chemical bonding between the polymeric matrix and the HGMs. Compounding may be another method to ensure the bonding between polymer and HGMs. OSP's glass transition temperature...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Annual Technical Symposium and Exhibition, April 23–26, 2018
Paper Number: SPE-192355-MS
... Upstream Oil & Gas polymer Efficiency water management ProSep regeneration method regeneration process water treatment water treatment capability toluene oms society of petroleum engineers liquified natural gas capture coefficient media system hydrocarbon edmiston regeneration gas...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Annual Technical Symposium and Exhibition, April 23–26, 2018
Paper Number: SPE-192414-MS
... of treated fracture are the key components to get a successful DPR-treatment in fractured reservoirs. waterflooding flow in porous media Modeling & Simulation polymer Permeability reduction thin reservoir gel relative permeability modifier dpr performance Fluid Dynamics mechanism Liang...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Annual Technical Symposium and Exhibition, April 23–26, 2018
Paper Number: SPE-194383-MS
... Abstract Conformance control using polymer gels has been successfully used in both sandstone and carbonate reservoirs to improve sweep efficiency. A challenge in achieving successful gel placement away from the well is reservoir high temperature. In such envrionments, a thourgh understanding...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Annual Technical Symposium and Exhibition, April 23–26, 2018
Paper Number: SPE-192441-MS
... Abstract Carbonate reservoirs typically exhibit significant heterogeneity, high temperature and high salinit ies. Surfactant and polymer selection for such reservoirs is a challenging process where extensive laboratory investigations are required to reach optimum concentration and formulation...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Annual Technical Symposium and Exhibition, April 24–27, 2017
Paper Number: SPE-188018-MS
... Abstract Polymer enhanced foam (PEF) provides an additional strength over conventional CO2 foams for mobilizing oil from the unswept low permeable oil rich zones during an enhanced oil recovery process. The efficiency of the process depends on two major factors i.e. stability and apparent...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Annual Technical Symposium and Exhibition, April 24–27, 2017
Paper Number: SPE-188021-MS
... hydrocarbon production. Relative permeability modifiers (RPM) can be implemented in some high-water-cut wells as a chemical treatment to selectively reduce water production. The study in this paper introduces an RPM system that is a hydrophobically modified, water-soluble polymer. This polymer is adsorbed...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Annual Technical Symposium and Exhibition, April 24–27, 2017
Paper Number: SPE-188054-MS
... for post-combustion capture. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 39 ( 0 ): 194 – 204 . Chen , Chao-Kuang , Jenn-Kun Kuo . 2006 . Nylon 6/CB polymeric conductive plastic bipolar plates for PEM fuel cells . Journal of Applied Polymer Science 101 ( 5 ): 3415 – 3421...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Annual Technical Symposium and Exhibition, April 24–27, 2017
Paper Number: SPE-188006-MS
.... 2014 , Kamal et al. 2013 ). However, these copolymers are expensive due to lower polymerization activity. Thermoviscofying or thermo-sensitive polymers have recently been considered as an alternative viscosifying agent for high-temperature and high-salinity (HTHS) conditions ( Kamal, Sultan, Al...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Annual Technical Symposium and Exhibition, April 24–27, 2017
Paper Number: SPE-188036-MS
... syneresis and the associated significant reduction in gelation time. In this work, a laboratory study was conducted on a polymer/chromium gel system for a high-temperature carbonate reservoir to evaluate the gelant formulation potential for diversion and recovery improvement. We perform four oil...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Annual Technical Symposium and Exhibition, April 24–27, 2017
Paper Number: SPE-188011-MS
... with an automatic dispenser to dilute and measure surface tensions of the various surfactants at different temperatures and in different field brines. The effect of other chemical species, especially polymer was also investigated. Of the three surfactants studied, the betaine surfactant showed the lowest CMC...

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