Production Optimization is often attributed to new technologies, sophisticated algorithms and application of market leading expertise. In Amal, after years of production, our learning is production optimization is more about doing simple things well and getting better at it every day through practice and planning.

In this paper, we will present an example for the capability of using limited resources in offshore fields to maximize oil production for wells suffering from high water production.

The challenge was in one of oil wells, which has been ceased to flow due to high water cut and consequently we deferred around 400 BOPD. To illustrate this point, we will focus on how we can retain the oil production from this well while the ongoing gas lift project is not ready yet. We thought about the integrity between the wells in the same platform by using one of gas wells from gas reservoir as injector to lift the ceased to flow oil well and how we could obtain the gas quantities to be injected into the oil well however the rest will be produced normally from the gas well.

We will share how a loaded well with high water cut was revived through this idea of gas lifting with a higher pressure well, many runs were performed using commercial software of wells modeling and reservoir simulation. We determined the proper rate and WHFP from the gas well to be injected in the oil well to recover that oil and we could improve the well productivity.

As a result, the well has produced over the last ten months and we could maximize the oil production with our limited resources and without any huge gas lift project. Again, this idea helped maintain safe and continuous production from ceased to flow well and we recovered around 110,000 barrels of oil until now and the well still produce.

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