An exploration well was commissioned to evaluate a potential tight gas reservoir by drilling a combined curve and horizontal section while facing a narrow mud weight window (NMWW). Positioned below an anomalous formation, a high probability of influx, losses and stuck pipe scenarios prevailed, coupled with a very low ROP scenario. Also, being a rather long combined curve and lateral section, there was a high risk of caving after drilling, which could disrupt running the liner.

To land the well on target without having any undesirable effects, it was critical to maintaining correct pressure profiles not only during drilling but also during tripping and setting/cementing the liner. A thorough hydraulics analysis and carefully executed MPD design were used to maintain a constant bottom-hole pressure during drilling, connections, and tripping. The MPD system was fully capable of recognizing drilling parameters in real time and adjust surface pressure accordingly. This allowed the 5-7/8 in. section to be drilled using the lowest possible mud weight while attaining the necessary overbalance.

The lateral section was successfully completed to improve the stipulated timeline. This was attributable to ROP improvement by 29% and also to 164% footage drilling enhancement per bit run, which allowed the drilling team to finish the 5 7/8 in. hole section in record time compared to the offset wells. By using correct mud formulations and accurate wellbore pressure mapping, there was no loss while drilling the section; and the Early Kick Detection module was successfully deployed to accurately monitor influxes. Whenever a discrepancy was observed between the flow in/out, the MPD system was fine-tuned to adjust the pressure profile to match the two flows. Following drilling, the wash-down LWD was utilized with MPD and low mud weight. The liner was run and set, while the hole was filled with a low weight mud, using the MPD system. There were no tight spots or caving observed in the whole run and the liner was able to reach the bottom with no issues. A detailed paper would discuss the in-depth technical analysis of this case history.

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