The advancements in tools and technology with the variety of data available in drilling industry has increased drastically. It is quite important to manage them in the best form so that we could effectively use this for several constructive purposes such as planning, execution and post processing analysis in drilling. For many years data has been majorly classified as static and real time where Real time from sensors lives feed is often visualized for operational decision making. Static information such as casing design, tubular design, well head design, BOP design are often stored as static files at database level.

It is often a tedious process for a drilling expert to replicate a similar design in engineering that he had created before for reference modelling or analysis. This is mainly due to the fact that the data is often not available in a flexible format.

To address such issues Saudi Aramco has decided to build a Drilling Engineering schematics package that serves in visualizing all of the available drilling data types. These data types significantly assist us to uncover many uncertainties such as when the data is captured or analyzed.

The system is designed is in flexible format such that it could be accessible for all users across the same platform. Industrial format WITSML and Representational State transfers web services are used together to construct a data converter that converts any form of data into WITSML objects. These WITSML objects are then referenced using an image library set of components before they reach the final output for users.

The system will be so useful for the drilling professionals for design and analysis as it can detect anomalies in the data such as casing, Cementing, Bottom Hole Assembly to name a few.

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