A suite of applications was developed to help real-time operation centers engineers and geoscientists to monitor drilling operations and improve the effectiveness of the decision making process. These robust applications automate monitoring of drilling and logging operations and provide various advance capabilities for engineers and geoscientists. Considering the recent immense increase in drilling operation in Saudi Arabia, a system with advanced capabilities of data quality control (QC), rescaling, filtering, alerting, and chatting is essentially needed to assist operation centers within Saudi Aramco to meet their targets.

Furthermore, one of main applications that are used by Real-Time Operation Center is RTOC toolbox which consists of the following systems: workflow, critical well scheduling, alert & recommendations, cost avoidance and reporting. Aramcolink System is another major application that is used in real-time operation centers and it visualizes the real-time data stream coming from the rig-site. Aramcolink System consists of several modules that serve different user community and objectives. These modules are: geo-steering, drilling, remote casing control, and unconventional resources.

In this paper, RTOC Tool Box system and Aramcolink system will be discussed in details including their impact on improving real-time operation center internal process automation and improving accuracy of well placement.

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