Maximizing oil production in horizontal wells is the most critical factor to enhance oil recovery for reservoir management purposes. Technologies in oil industry have been improved dramatically starting the horizontal wells to Extreme reservoir contact wells. However, this drastic improvement has been challenged when water or gas invades the reservoir. Conventional passive Inflow Control Device (ICD) is very excellent technology which primarily aims to balance oil influx over the entire reservoir and hence increase the oil recovery. However, there are several types of ICD in which they work based on viscosity factor. For instance, conventional nozzle type can operate with the reservoir fluids at different viscosities however in contrast, the other type i.e. Helical or channel ICD is dependent on viscosity. Both mentioned types can be functioned properly at early stage of the well production life however problems are encountered when there is water or gas breakthrough. A new generation of ICD is the Autonomous Inflow Control Device. This new type of ICD has the ability to proactively provide additional restriction on undesirable fluids based on viscosity and mobility. It can be operated at different viscosity ranges which confirmed its applicability in any type of reservoirs.

It is good to mention this AICD is going to be tested and evaluated for the first time on three wells in Saudi Aramco. One of the wells is going to be discussed in this paper with the following aspects:

  • The selection factors for installing AICD on the subject well based on reservoir and field data.

  • Historical production of the well along with major events in terms of water coning issues.

  • Pre-modeling of the AICD completion using NETool™ simulation software.

  • Comparison between Standalone Screens (SAS) and AICD using the NETool™.

  • Verification of field results with NETool™ modeling.

This paper describes the added values of installing AICD technology over the conventional type in heavy oil reservoir in which it maximizes oil production, enhances oil recovery and more importantly delay the water or gas breakthrough with more restriction. This will be thoroughly discussed with the use of the simulation results.

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